The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is offering the NINDS Renewal Awards of SBIR Phase II Grants (Phase IIB) aimed at facilitating the commercialization of pre-clinical research. This funding opportunity seeks to bridge the critical funding gap, known as the "Valley of Death," that exists between SBIR/STTR Phase II awards and the commercialization stage, encouraging partnerships between small businesses and third-party investors, particularly for projects focused on rare diseases and pediatric populations. Eligible applicants, including small businesses, are required to submit a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP) and secure independent third-party funding equivalent to the NINDS funds requested, with a budget cap of $2,045,816 for projects lasting up to three years. Applications will be accepted from September 2024 until April 2027, and interested parties can reach out to NIH Grants Information at for further inquiries.