Manufacturing Demonstration Facility: Technology Collaborations for US Manufacturers in Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Technologies
ID: ORNL-MDF-2017-01-23Type: Special Notice




Scientific Research and Development ServicesT (5417)

    The Department of Energy, through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), is seeking industry partners for collaborative projects aimed at developing energy-efficient manufacturing technologies within its Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (MDF). The initiative focuses on reducing manufacturing energy intensity and enhancing U.S. competitiveness by inviting proposals from industries engaged in material processing, particularly in advanced manufacturing technologies such as additive manufacturing and carbon fiber composites. Participants must provide at least a 50% cost share, and projects will be evaluated based on technical feasibility, potential for commercialization, and energy savings. Proposals can be submitted via email to, and the submission period remains open, contingent on funding availability from the DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office.

    Point(s) of Contact
    The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) seeks industry partners for short-term collaborative projects aimed at developing energy-efficient manufacturing technologies within its Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (MDF). This initiative, part of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office, emphasizes reducing manufacturing energy intensity and enhancing U.S. global competitiveness through innovative energy-efficient products. Proposals are invited from industries engaged in material processing or manufacturing, particularly focusing on advanced technologies in additive manufacturing and carbon fiber composites. Projects must include at least a 50% cost share from participants, without using federal funds. The ORNL offers collaboration through guidance from its experts and access to its specialized equipment. The primary goal is to accelerate the commercialization of new manufacturing processes while creating high-quality U.S. jobs. Proposals will be evaluated on their technical feasibility, potential for commercialization, and energy savings. Successful applicants will enter into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) to protect intellectual property while fostering collaborative innovation. The submission period remains open, contingent on DOE funding availability, with evaluations made at the discretion of the DOE. Contact for inquiries is directed to Dr. William Peter at ORNL.
    The document outlines a proposal submission for a project collaboration with the Department of Energy’s Manufacturing Demonstration Facility (MDF) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). It emphasizes the importance of engaging with ORNL technical staff to ensure project feasibility and alignment with facility capabilities. The proposal requires a clear description of the company and its objectives, alongside a detailed project plan delineating tasks, responsible parties, and success metrics. It also mandates a discussion on the anticipated impact of the project, covering contributions to technology, cost savings, product and process improvements, and energy efficiency benefits. A budget summary must reflect a total project cost of $80,000, with at least 50% provided as in-kind cost share by the participant. The document specifies the necessity of a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with UT-Battelle and outlines submission guidelines for proposers. The summary aims to facilitate the assessment of the project’s potential to address known challenges and promote commercialization pathways, all while ensuring compliance with funding restrictions. The proposal submission timeline is set for September 9, 2024.
    The document outlines a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) between UT-Battelle, LLC and a participant, facilitated under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The CRADA seeks to foster collaboration in research, defining essential terms such as “Generated Information” and “Subject Invention.” It specifies funding contributions from both parties, including provisions for advance funding and ownership rights of personal property created during the project. The agreement highlights the responsibility for compliance with export controls and outlines deliverables, including reports on developments and intellectual property rights resulting from the collaboration, ensuring the work benefits the U.S. economy. It establishes procedures for handling proprietary information and intentions surrounding the use of generated data while stipulating that both parties share rights to Subject Inventions. The document underscores that any changes to this agreement must be mutually approved and emphasizes termination clauses and dispute resolution processes. Overall, this CRADA exemplifies federal efforts to engage private entities in research that advances public benefits while safeguarding intellectual and proprietary rights.
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