Quantum Enhanced RF Components
ID: A244-012Type: BOTH


Quantum Enhanced RF Components


Department of DefenseN/A


Type: SBIRPhase: BOTHYear: 2024
  1. 1
    Release Oct 3, 2023 12:00 AM
  2. 2
    Open Oct 3, 2023 12:00 AM
  3. 3
    Next Submission Due Mar 31, 2025 12:00 AM
  4. 4
    Close Mar 31, 2025 12:00 AM

The Department of Defense (DOD) is seeking proposals for the topic of "Quantum Enhanced RF Components" as part of their SBIR 24.4 Annual solicitation. The objective of this research is to utilize quantum phenomenology to create sensitive Radio Frequency (RF) components that can enhance the performance of current communication systems. By lowering the noise levels of these components, weaker signals can be detected, potentially enabling the radar detection of previously unseen targets. The research will focus on developing quantum-based RF components such as amplifiers, mixers, and oscillators that can be integrated with existing systems.

The project will be conducted in two phases. Phase I will involve delivering a series of reports outlining the feasibility of the RF component using mathematical models for quantum phenomena. Phase II will require the delivery of a working prototype and a report documenting the prototype's capabilities and any necessary control software.

The potential applications of this technology include enhancing the efficacy of security systems that rely on RF detection, minimizing disruptions and identifying the source of RF interference in police and first responder communications systems, and improving communication and navigation capabilities in maritime and aviation vehicles.

The project duration is not specified, but the solicitation is open until March 31, 2025. For more information and to submit proposals, interested parties can visit the DOD SBIR website.

No associated files provided.
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