Touch Labor Weight Handler support
ID: N3904024R0157Type: Solicitation




Ship Building and Repairing (336611)



Set Aside

Total Small Business Set-Aside (FAR 19.5) (SBA)

    The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine, requires skilled labor support for submarine repairs and modernization. The main purpose of this firm-fixed-price contract is to provide ten experienced marine weight handlers, two supervisors, and a program manager for a period of almost one year.

    The key tasks for the awardee include providing proficient workers for specific roles, ensuring employee supervision and management, and delivering weekly and quarterly status reports. The workers must have specialized training and clearances for confined space entry, rigging, and weight handling. Supervisors will manage worker assignments, and the program manager will oversee contract administration.

    The deliverables include detailed status reports, tracking employee hours, and submitting contract-related documentation. The focus on employee hours is emphasized in the tracking of both straight time and overtime hours, which are outlined in the provided Excel spreadsheet.

    The government seeks a reliable and secure solution, with stringent security measures to protect Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information (NNPI). Contractors must adhere to strict guidelines and facilitate government audits to ensure information security.

    To be eligible, applicants must demonstrate experience and proficiency in ship repair and maintenance, with particular emphasis on trade-specific skills and security clearances. The past performance of offerors will be evaluated, focusing on quality work, timely delivery, and cost effectiveness.

    The estimated funding for this contract is several million dollars, and bids are expected within two months of the solicitation's release. The evaluation of applications will prioritize the ability to meet the specified labor and security requirements.

    For any clarification or questions, potential applicants can contact BRIAN LEE at BRIAN.C.LEE2@NAVY.MIL or 2076901527.

    The primary objective of this procurement is to implement stringent security measures to protect Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information (NNPI) associated with Portsmouth Naval Shipyard operations. The focus is on ensuring the security of CUI, preventing unauthorized access, and establishing procedures for handling, marking, and disseminating this sensitive information. This involves adhering to operational security policies, restricting personal electronic devices, and implementing procedures for photograph and recording management. Additionally, the procurement seeks to put in place measures to safeguard information systems, with a emphasis on protecting CUI from potential aggregation and compilation that could lead to classification. The RFP outlines a comprehensive set of requirements for contractors to maintain the security of this sensitive information, with strict guidelines on information handling and storage, and mandates that contractors facilitate government audits and inspections to ensure compliance. The contract, valued at an estimated cost of several million dollars, will likely be a firm-fixed-price agreement, with the government seeking a secure solution rather than specific products or services. Bids are due within two months of the RFP's release, and the contract is expected to be awarded shortly thereafter, indicating a sense of urgency around implementing these security measures. Key tasks include developing procedures for handling and safeguarding CUI and NNPI, with specific attention to preventing foreign access and implementing appropriate dissemination controls. Contractors will also be responsible for monitoring and reporting any potential classification of aggregated or compiled CUI, as well as ensuring the secure transmission and disposal of this information. Furthermore, they will be expected to facilitate the government's security audits and provide recommended changes to security protocols, if necessary. The evaluation of proposals will likely prioritize contractors with a strong track record in implementing complex security measures and maintaining information security.
    The Department of the Navy has issued a request for physical access control solutions to secure its installations and sensitive areas. The primary objective is to implement an advanced identity verification system using biometric databases and associated information services. This system should grant access to authorized individuals while preventing unauthorized access, with a focus on protecting national security. The solution should support the issuance and management of Local Population Identification Cards/Base Access Passes. These passes are essential for controlling access and maintaining a secure environment across Navy and Marine Corps installations. The successful vendor will need to provide a comprehensive system that integrates with existing databases, including the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and Terrorist Screening Database, to ensure robust vetting and fitness determinations for access. Key requirements include the ability to verify identity using a combination of state-issued and federal documents, with provisions for US citizens, naturalized citizens, and aliens. The system should capture and process various personal details, including biometric data like hair and eye color, along with employment and sponsorship information. Furthermore, it should accommodate varying work schedules and provide a mechanism for pass retrieval upon separation or expiration. Navy officials anticipate a high level of interest from potential contractors, with a favorable response to the minimum vetting criteria being a prerequisite for access to DoD installations. The procurement process will likely involve a rigorous evaluation of solutions based on their ability to meet these security needs. As such, the primary evaluation criteria will focus on the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed physical access control systems. Although the file doesn't explicitly mention the contract type or value, it does indicate that the solution will be implemented across multiple military bases, suggesting a substantial contract value. Interested vendors must carefully review the detailed requirements and submit their proposals accordingly.
    The government seeks to procure enhanced identity verification and proofing measures to strengthen security and streamline the identification process. The primary focus is on obtaining reliable and verified forms of identification. This aims to ensure the safety and integrity of government operations while facilitating efficient access to services. Among the key requirements are various types of state-issued and federal identity documents, including enhanced driver's licenses, passports, and specific immigration and employment authorization cards. These must include photographic and biometric information such as name, date of birth, and eye color. Additionally, the government seeks to implement secondary forms of identification for added security. The scope involves implementing procedures for accepting and verifying these documents, with attention to detail and careful consideration to avoid fraud. Contract details are not provided here, but typically these efforts are supported by firm-fixed-price contracts with provisions for potential follow-on work. Timelines and specific evaluation criteria are also omitted but are typically tailored to each procurement's unique needs.
    The government agency seeks to evaluate an offeror's past performance on relevant contracts. This form requires detailed information about the offeror's roles and experiences. It requests a description of the work performed, focusing on its relevance to a specific solicitation. The agency aims to assess the offeror's ability to demonstrate quality work, timely delivery, and cost effectiveness. This past performance assessment is a critical step in the procurement process, helping the agency gauge the competency and reliability of potential contractors. Can I assist you with another file or do you have any additional context you would like to provide?
    The government agency seeks to evaluate a contractor's performance and quality. The emphasis is on assessing customer satisfaction with the offered services. The assessment form requires customers to rate the contractor's performance in terms of quality, timeliness, and responsiveness. Customers must provide detailed feedback on their experiences, including instances of rework, delays, and the contractor's overall strengths and weaknesses. This information is crucial in determining the contractor's eligibility for future awards. The assessment aims to guide contracting decisions by gathering detailed feedback on the contractor's past performance, focusing on customer assessments of their delivered services.
    The Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) outlines the procedures for monitoring and assessing the performance of a contracted service provider. The focus is on achieving specified quality levels and performance standards as defined in the Performance Work Statement (PWS). The government representatives, including the Contracting Officer and Contracting Officer's Representative (COR), will employ surveillance techniques like random monitoring, 100% inspection, and periodic inspection to evaluate the contractor's work. Customer feedback is also integrated into the assessment process. The contractor is responsible for self-inspecting their work against the PWS requirements and providing performance reports to the COR. This performance-based approach allows the contractor flexibility in achieving the desired outcomes. The COR's role is crucial in administering the contract, conducting inspections, and preparing monthly performance reports. Key to success is the contractor's ability to meet the stated objectives and maintain customer satisfaction, with customer feedback playing a significant role in evaluating their performance.
    The primary objective of this procurement is to source a contract for ship repair work at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. The focus is on providing proficient labor and services to support naval operations. The government seeks a dynamic and responsive workforce capable of handling various tasks associated with ship maintenance and repair. Technical specifications require trade-specific employees with appropriate security clearances and specialized training in areas such as personal fall arrest, confined space entry, and respirator programs. The contractor must submit detailed training plans and ensure employees are fully qualified, with records submitted prior to onboarding. Supervision and management of the workforce are crucial, including resolving personnel issues and maintaining a daily supervisory log. The scope of work involves delivering a fully trained workforce, ensuring employee proficiency, and providing supervision and administrative support. This includes attending status meetings, managing employee resources, and submitting accurate time tracking records and performance reports. Key personnel, such as the Program Manager and Supervisors, must have specific qualifications and experience in ship repair, with their resumes submitted for review. The contract is to be awarded based on the acceptance of qualification records, training plans, and the ability to provide proficient employees. The evaluation criteria appear to center around the quality and proficiency of the workforce, with a focus on technical competence and adherence to US Navy standards. No specific contract details or timelines are provided, but the language suggests a comprehensive and ongoing contract, likely spanning several years. The government's emphasis on training, proficiency, and adherence to naval standards indicates a high level of scrutiny and expectation for potential contractors.
    The procurement objective of this RFP involves establishing compliant wage rates for various occupations outlined in the Service Contract Act (SCA). The SCA applies to contracts for services performed in certain towns within York County, including Eliot and Kittery. The document revises wage determination No. 2015-4011, outlining specific hourly rates for different job classifications. These rates are mandatory for contractors subject to the SCA, ensuring workers receive fair compensation. The rates differ based on the date of contract execution, with higher rates applying to contracts signed after January 30, 2022. Additionally, the RFP mandates compliance with Executive Orders regarding minimum wage requirements and paid sick leave for federal contractors. Contractors must adhere to specified fringe benefits, including health and welfare allowances, paid vacations, and paid holidays. The RFP also provides guidelines for hazardous pay differentials and uniform allowances, ensuring worker safety and fair uniform maintenance practices. To accommodate unlisted job classifications, a conformance process is detailed for contractors to follow, ensuring proper compensation for all employees. Critical to the procurement process, this RFP sets clear expectations for contractors regarding SCA compliance, aiming to enforce fair labor practices and define the financial obligations associated with various occupations. Interested vendors must carefully review and conform to the specified wage rates and benefits to submit a compliant proposal.
    The DD FORM 1423 is primarily concerned with detailed data requirements for a procurement. It encompasses various data items, each with its own title, subtitle, and authority, ranging from technical data packages to manuals. The form meticulously breaks down the submission requirements, including frequency, dates, and distribution. Notably, it also accounts for the associated costs and efforts required for data preparation, differentiating between essential and non-essential data for the contractor's performance. Contractors are tasked with providing the data according to the specified standards, with prices often categorized into distinct groups depending on the nature and extent of the data's essentiality.
    The DD FORM 1423 is primarily concerned with detailing the requirements and distribution of various data items needed for a government contract. The form specifies the data's authority, frequency of submission, and required distribution, aiming to streamline the management and submission of these data requirements. Contractors will be expected to provide the specified data, adhering to the outlined instructions, and tailoring their submissions accordingly. This form ensures that critical data needs for the project are met and appropriately compensated within the contract's scope. Can I assist you with another file or do you have a different request?
    The primary objective of this procurement is to acquire comprehensive status reporting services for government contracts. The focus is on capturing detailed financial and temporal aspects, including funded amounts, expenditure tracking, and period of performance metrics. The status reports must include specific elements such as contract numbers, data dates, and management time logging. This information is to be presented in both textual and graphical formats, offering a comprehensive view. Vendors will be responsible for providing weekly updates and maintaining accurate records. The requested services require a meticulous approach and a clear understanding of government contracting procedures. Contract details and evaluation criteria are not explicitly mentioned in the provided information. However, the success of the selected vendor will likely be evaluated based on their ability to deliver accurate and timely status reports, adhering to the stringent requirements outlined.
    The focus of this file is on tracking and approving contract employees' work hours at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. It contains a timesheet template designed to capture the workweek details, including the days of the week, shift start and end times, and the total hours worked. The template also leaves space for additional notes and signatures from both the contract employee and their supervisor to authorize the recorded work hours. This process seems to be geared towards managing and compensating the efforts of off-site or contracted staff, ensuring transparency and accuracy in timekeeping.
    The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, ME, requires painting services. A contractor is needed to fill the role of painter, working weekly hours that are outlined in detail by day, with a focus on tracking straight time (ST) and overtime (OT) hours. The spreadsheet also accounts for management and office personnel hours, specifying roles like program manager, contracts manager, and project coordinator. Their hours are also broken down by week days, with notes on any time off. The data presents a snapshot of weekly operations and expects contractors to adhere to specified hour requirements for each role. Key dates are mentioned, indicating the work week of October 9th to 15th, 2023, and noting that two vacant roles are expected to arrive on October 17th.
    The spreadsheet details the management of contractor onboarding and offboarding. It appears to track the arrival and departure dates of contractors associated with various companies. There are also columns indicating whether training is required and if the contractors used the tool crib checkout, alongside notes on approved contractors' delivery orders. This data seemingly aids administrative oversight, ensuring efficient contractor integration and transition. The focus is on streamlining the deployment and departure of external workers, likely for a government agency, with meticulous attention to logistics and resource allocation.
    The file contains a detailed form for recording information about injured or ill employees in the workplace. It seeks to capture key details about the incident, the employee's personal and work status, and the circumstances surrounding the event. The primary objective is to gather comprehensive information for understanding work-related incidents and potential hazards. The form requires specifications such as the employee's personal details, incident date and time, work shift details, and the location of the incident, focusing on privacy and security by referencing the Privacy Act of 1974. It also seeks to identify the cause of the incident, work being done, and personal protective equipment (PPE) used. Additionally, it collects data on the employee's current work status and supervisor's details. This information is crucial for incident investigation, workplace safety improvements, and potential compensation or medical care for the affected employee. The detailed recording of events allows for a thorough analysis of work-related risks and serves as a tool for proactive hazard mitigation. Organizations can use this data to implement preventive measures, enhance safety protocols, and create a safer work environment.
    The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard seeks skilled labor support for submarine repairs. This firm-fixed-price contract requires the provision of ten experienced marine weight handlers, two supervisors, and a program manager. These individuals will assist with modernization and repair work during upcoming availabilities, working specified shifts. The focus is on providing proficient labor, with strict safety and security requirements, including confined space entry and fall arrest training. Key personnel must have relevant experience and security clearances. The contractor is responsible for employee supervision, management, and training records. Deliverables include weekly and quarterly status reports, tracking employee hours and attendance, and submitting contract-related documentation. The contract period is approximately one year. Critical dates include a submission deadline of 1 July 2024, with an expected award date of 15 July 2024. Evaluation criteria center on the contractor's ability to meet the specified labor requirements and adhere to safety and security protocols.
    The primary objective of this procurement is to acquire various supplies or services, denoted by the four affected subcline items (SUBCLINs 0001AB, 0001AC, 0001AD, and 0001AE). The focus is on adjusting the quantities required for each subcline. The government agency seeks to decrease the ordered quantities, with reductions of 100 units for the first two subclines and 10 units for the latter two. Technical specifications are outlined in the solicitation document, providing details on the expected quantities and delivery schedule. The latter has been revised to amend the delivery dates and clarify the shipping destinations. Offerors must submit their acknowledgment of this modification by 30 July 2024 at 01:00 PM, allowing them to adjust their proposals accordingly.
    The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard seeks skilled labor support for submarine repairs and modernization. This firm-fixed-price contract requires the provision of ten experienced marine weight handlers, two supervisors, and a program manager. The focus is on delivering proficient workers for specific tasks, including rigging, weight handling, and confined space entry, with strict safety and security protocols. Contractors must adhere to stringent technical specifications and deliver fully trained employees with appropriate security clearances. Key duties involve on-site supervision, managing worker assignments, and ensuring compliance with work instructions. The contract, valid from September 2024 to August 2025, mandates weekly and quarterly status reports. Key dates include a submission deadline of 30 July 2024 and a required start date of 30 September 2024. Evaluation criteria center on the contractor's ability to deliver proficient personnel and comply with technical requirements.
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