The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is offering a federal grant opportunity titled "Integrating Oral Health and Primary Care in People with HIV using a Learning Collaborative." This initiative aims to fund a single entity to establish a 24-month virtual Learning Collaborative focused on disseminating innovative practices to enhance health outcomes for individuals with HIV, specifically in the areas of community-based HIV dental education, integration of oral health and HIV primary care, and the development of future dental leaders in HIV care. The total estimated program funding for this grant is $600,000, with no cost-sharing or matching requirement, and eligible applicants include public and nonprofit entities, Native American tribal governments, and community-based organizations. Interested parties should contact Dana Hines at or by phone at 301-443-0000, with the application closing date expected on June 18, 2025, and project start date anticipated for September 30, 2025.