Cyber Quest 2025 Broad Agency Announcement
ID: CQ2025-BAAType: Sources Sought



    The Department of Defense, specifically the Army Futures Command, is seeking innovative technologies through the Cyber Quest 2025 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) to enhance Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) capabilities. This initiative aims to identify and evaluate solutions that address critical capability gaps in Cyber, Electronic Warfare, Intelligence, and Signal operations during an annual warfighting experiment scheduled for June 2-18, 2025, at Fort Eisenhower, Georgia. The event will facilitate collaboration among government entities, industry partners, and academic institutions, providing a realistic environment for technology demonstrations that align with future Army operational requirements. Interested parties must submit their proposals, including white papers and quad charts, by September 20, 2024, and can direct inquiries to the designated contacts, Sherrilyn Rice and Symone Y. Collins, via email or phone.

    The Cyber Quest 2025 Broad Agency Announcement by the Army Futures Command seeks to explore innovative technologies addressing Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) through annual warfighting experiments. This initiative emphasizes the integration of lethal and nonlethal capabilities across various domains: land, air, cyberspace, space, and maritime. The event, scheduled for June 2-18, 2025, at Fort Eisenhower, GA, invites participation from government entities, industry partners, and academic institutions to demonstrate technologies that meet critical capability gaps in Cyber, Electronic Warfare, Information Advantage, and Signal operations. The announcement outlines a five-phase approach to assess and evaluate these technologies, starting with technology selection based on submitted white papers and culminating in a comprehensive exploitation phase. Participants are encouraged to collaborate and can submit niche technologies rather than complete solutions. Compliance with cybersecurity standards is a prerequisite for participation. Key planning events leading up to Cyber Quest 2025 include white paper submissions, technology demonstrations, and integration phases, providing related government and industry stakeholders with valuable insights for future Army modernization efforts. This initiative represents a strategic investment in enhancing the Army's capabilities to effectively counter evolving threats in multi-domain environments.
    The government's Cyber Quest 2025 program seeks innovative technologies across several focus areas for experimental development and real-world applications. These areas include electromagnetic warfare, networks and services, tactical radio, information advantage, defensive cyberspace operations, and modeling and simulations. The program prioritizes TRL 6 technologies, with an emphasis on capability sponsors and warfighter needs. Among the key objectives are enhancing situational awareness, automating processes, and improving data handling and security. The Army aims to achieve information advantage, reduce intercept risks, and streamline communications across various domains. Additionally, the program seeks simulations for training and decision support, focusing on network emulation, electromagnetic warfare, and predictive analysis. Solutions are sought to enhance the Army's Unified Network, incorporating zero-trust security and hybrid cloud computing. Cyber Quest 2025 encourages cutting-edge proposals to address these challenges, with potential applications across the military domain.
    The Cyber Quest 2025 initiative is a U.S. Army-focused warfighting experiment aimed at identifying technologies to enhance Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) capabilities. The process for technology selection is divided into two stages: Stage 1 involves the submission of white papers and quad charts by industry, academia, or government organizations, which must adhere to specified formats. Submissions will be evaluated based on strategic fit, end-user benefits, compatibility, feasibility, innovation, expertise, delivery viability, exploitation potential, and cost considerations. In Stage 2, selected submissions will be assessed further by a panel of technical experts. The overarching goal of Cyber Quest is to highlight innovative solutions that meet future Army operational requirements by 2030 and beyond. The document outlines specific criteria for submission, required formats, evaluation criteria, key events, and submission deadlines. Participation in Cyber Quest allows vendors to demonstrate their technologies within a realistic Army environment, greatly benefiting capability development and operational success. Interested parties are required to submit their proposals by September 20, 2024.
    The "Cyber Quest 2025 White Paper" is a solicitation document aimed at gathering technology proposals to address military challenges. Submitting organizations must provide key details about their technology, including its name, capabilities, weight, and military benefits. Each submission should contain an abstract summarizing the technology's application to specific military problems, emphasizing perceived advantages such as improved communication in challenging environments. The document details specific sections that need to be filled out, which include a technology maturity assessment, partnership information, integration plans with existing systems, and a training outline for military personnel. It also invites optional video submissions to showcase the technology. Central to the submission are clear vendor objectives, aimed at evaluating the technology's effectiveness regarding soldier requirements. The main purpose of the document is to facilitate the development and testing of innovative solutions in military contexts, ensuring that submissions are precise, measurable, and focused on addressing operational needs while complying with federal guidelines. Overall, it serves as an avenue for collaboration between technology vendors and military entities, fostering advancements in defense technologies.
    The document pertains to the federal RFP for a technology solution titled "Cyber Quest 2025." This initiative aims to address specific military capability needs as outlined in the accompanying capability description and military problem statement, which are not detailed in the excerpt. A core requirement of the proposal is to include high-quality images of the actual technology system in its current form, emphasizing the need for tangible evidence over conceptual designs. Contact details are provided for two points of contact from the company, which must include U.S. phone numbers and avoid proprietary information. Overall, the purpose of this document is to communicate the submission criteria for the proposed technology solution and facilitate the connection between government agencies and potential contractors, ensuring compliance with federal grant and RFP protocols.
    This document outlines the cybersecurity requirements for technologies submitted in response to federal government RFPs. It specifies essential artifacts that candidates must provide, categorized into three main areas: Documentation, Vulnerability Assessment & Remediation, and System Configuration Hardening. Under Documentation, candidates must include a system description, hardware and software inventories, a list of ports and services, a network diagram per DISA standards, and a dataflow diagram. The Vulnerability Assessment section requires results from the Army’s ACAS scans, detailing vulnerabilities with corrective action plans for high or critical findings. Lastly, the System Configuration Hardening mandates submission of compliance results against DISA Security Technical Implementation Guidelines for all listed assets. Overall, the document serves to ensure that the candidate technologies comply with rigorous cybersecurity standards, enhancing overall security measures for government operations.
    The document outlines a proposed data flow architecture for a system termed CQ25, primarily focusing on integrating various data formats, including JSON and CSV, into a centralized operational framework (COT). It highlights the involvement of multiple applications interfacing with a Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) server, which aggregates electronic warfare (EW) feeds from sensors through edge processing. The data processed includes tactical information, which is transformed into an 'Information Advantage Overlay' and stored in a data repository. Moreover, the incorporation of external data sources via commercial cloud access enhances the system's capabilities. Key components like the AI staff process automation and analytics on MDO datasets are also emphasized, illustrating the objective of utilizing advanced technologies for improved decision-making and operational efficiency. This document serves as part of a federal request for proposals (RFP), indicating interest in modernizing tactical information systems for government applications by integrating diverse data sources and employing innovative methodologies for analytics and automation.
    Sources Sought
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