Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) Office-wide
ID: HR001124S0028Type: Presolicitation




Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) (541715)



    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), through its Microsystems Technology Office (MTO), has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) seeking revolutionary research ideas in the realm of microsystems technology. The focus is on developing cutting-edge solutions that advance DARPA's mission and address national security challenges.

    This BAA aims to procure high-risk, high-reward technologies in three key areas:

    1. Scientific Disruption: Exploring next-generation transistor technology, including photonic, quantum, and bio/organic circuits, and advancing photonic interconnects, quantum computing, and biomolecular computing.
    2. Microsystems Manufacturing Ecosystem: Developing sustainable and efficient fabrication methods for advanced microsystems, with an emphasis on additive manufacturing, predictive process control, and material reuse.
    3. Dual Use by Design: Strengthening the partnership between the DoD and commercial enterprises to ensure the rapid deployment of military microsystem technologies with commercial applicability.

    DARPA seeks unique and innovative approaches that are not currently being explored in its ongoing programs or other published solicitations. The agency encourages proposals for a range of topics within these thrust areas, including fault-tolerant quantum computing, biochemical processors, and data-starved fabrication processes.

    The agency plans to award multiple contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements for research and development. The BAA offers an accelerated contract award option for proposals with a cost limit of $2 million, ensuring a swift award within 30 days of selection. This option streamlines the process for procuring cost-reimbursement contracts and encourages applicants to opt for this efficient path.

    Proposers should submit abstracts of no more than 6 pages by March 9, 2025, which will undergo an initial review for uniqueness and potential impact. Full proposals are due by May 9, 2025, and should include a technical and management volume as well as a cost volume, following the specified templates and guidelines.

    The technical proposal should highlight the technical approach, SOW, schedules, and milestones, while the cost proposal must provide a comprehensive breakdown of expenses across various categories. Organizations seeking the accelerated award option should agree to the stipulated terms, including data rights assertions and fee limitations, and submit a completed DARPA cost proposal spreadsheet.

    Proposals will be evaluated based on their scientific and technical merit, potential contribution to DARPA's mission, and cost realism. Besides the accelerated option, DARPA also emphasizes the protection of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in its solicitations and expects proposers to adhere to the specified handling and marking instructions.

    Interested organizations should contact Dr. Whitney Mason at HR001124S0028@darpa.mil for clarification or further information. The BAA encourages applicants to submit innovative solutions, focusing on the technical approach, impact, and potential for revolutionary advancements in microsystems technology.

    Point(s) of Contact
    Dr. Whitney Mason
    The Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) within DARPA has released an office-wide Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), inviting abstracts from organizations for innovative research and technology development proposals. This BAA, identified as HR001124S0028, seeks to identify and support cutting-edge ideas with potential for significant impact in various domains. **Procurement Objective:** The primary objective of this BAA is to solicit abstracts for innovative research and technology development ideas across a range of topics relevant to the MTO's mission. While the specific topics are not listed in this attachment, the abstract template suggests that DARPA is seeking unique and beneficial approaches that advance the state-of-the-art. **Specifications and Requirements:** Abstracts should be no longer than 6 pages, excluding figures, tables, the cover sheet, table of contents, and bibliography. They must be submitted in PDF or Microsoft Word format, using the provided template, and written in English with specific font and margin requirements. Abstracts can be marked as UNCLASSIFIED or Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), and proposers should appropriately mark any proprietary data. **Scope of Work:** Proposers are expected to submit abstracts that cover key areas, including innovative claims, technical approach, deliverables, cost and schedule estimates, capabilities and management plans, and relevant bibliography. The technical approach section should provide a constructive plan for achieving technical goals, while the deliverables section should address technology transition and commercialization plans. **Contract Details:** Not specified in this attachment. **Key Dates:** Abstracts must be submitted by the due date and time listed in the Overview Information section of the BAA, with DARPA aiming to respond to abstracts within 30 calendar days of submission. **Evaluation Criteria:** While the full evaluation criteria are not listed in this attachment, DARPA will review abstracts and provide a response indicating whether the proposer should submit a full proposal or not, along with rationale for the decision. This initial review focuses on the uniqueness and benefits of the proposed approach relative to the current state-of-the-art and alternate approaches. This BAA attachment sets out the instructions and template for organizations to submit abstracts to DARPA's MTO, highlighting the office's interest in innovative and technically advanced proposals across a range of research and technology development topics.
    This document outlines the structure and content requirements for a proposal in response to a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). The procurement objective is to seek innovative solutions and approaches to technical challenges, with an emphasis on clarity, practicality, and potential impact. Vendors are tasked with explaining their unique value proposition, including how their solution differs from and improves upon current practices. The specific goods or services being procured are not explicitly stated, as the focus is on the technical approach and its potential. However, the proposal should address technical performance goals and metrics, trade-offs, enabling technologies, and risks. Deliverables may include data, reports, software, simulations, and prototype components. The proposed team's organization, costs, milestones, and schedules are also key components of the response, with an emphasis on clear objectives and potential outcomes. While contract details and key dates are not specified, the proposal title, organization, principal investigator, total budget, and subcontractors are standard requirements for such submissions. This RFP emphasizes the technical rationale and approach, seeking to understand the "why" and "how" of the proposed solution, with a focus on problem-solving and innovation.
    The Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) within DARPA has released a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), inviting full proposals for innovative research and development. This RFP, designated HR001124S0028, outlines the requirements and instructions for submitting proposals. The technical and management volume of the proposal, as outlined in Attachment C, is a crucial component and must adhere to specific formatting guidelines. Proposals must be written in English, with specified font sizes and page formatting. The page limit for this volume is 26 pages, excluding certain elements such as technical figures, the cover sheet, and resumes. Proposers are encouraged to submit concise and descriptive proposals, providing specific examples and avoiding qualitative generalities. The technical approach section is the centerpiece of the proposal and should clearly describe the proposed approach, its uniqueness, and benefits relative to the current state-of-the-art. Other essential sections include the Statement of Work (SOW), schedules and measurable milestones, risk analysis, team and management plan, and a national security impact statement. Proposals must also address intellectual property rights, providing a good faith representation of ownership or appropriate licensing for any IP utilized. Additionally, proposers must disclose any potential organizational conflicts of interest and include the required representations and certifications. The RFP specifies the information to be included on the cover sheet, such as the proposal title, MTO topics of interest, type of organization, proposed cost breakdown by year, and administrative information. Overall, this RFP seeks innovative research and development proposals that contribute to U.S. national security and technological capabilities, with a focus on clear and concise descriptions of the technical approach and potential impact.
    This document, titled "HR001124S0028 Volume 2: Cost Volume Template," is a comprehensive guide for organizations responding to a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) issued by the Microsystems Technology Office (MTO). The template outlines the required format and content for the financial aspect of proposals, known as the Cost Volume. The Cost Volume must encompass the entire program, including base and optional components, and should be submitted alongside the technical proposal. The instructions emphasize the use of the provided MS Excel DARPA Standard Cost Proposal Spreadsheet to ensure consistency and facilitate a rapid analysis of proposed costs. Organizations are directed to break down costs by categories such as labor, materials, travel, and subcontractors, providing detailed justifications and supporting documentation for each expense. This includes payroll records, market analysis, and vendor quotes. The template also requests information on the type of organization, proposed award instrument, place and period of performance, and total proposed costs. Additionally, the template covers specific requirements for organizations seeking a procurement contract, such as the need for certified cost or pricing data, a small business subcontracting plan, and an approved cost accounting system. For those requesting an Other Transaction for Prototypes award, there are separate guidelines, including defining the prototype to be delivered and providing milestones with associated payment schedules. Overall, this document serves as a detailed roadmap for organizations to effectively structure their cost proposals, ensuring transparency and compliance with government regulations.
    This document is a cost proposal spreadsheet template from DARPA, intended to standardize the process of submitting cost proposals for government contracts. It aims to assist proposers in providing transparent and comprehensive cost breakdowns, ensuring that their proposals are adequately supported and justifiable. The template covers various cost categories, including direct labor, fringe benefits, labor overhead, subcontracts, consultants, other direct costs, and more. Proposers are required to fill in the relevant sections, providing detailed cost estimates for each category. The template also includes sections for indirect rates, profit or fee, and a summary of the total estimated costs. The purpose of this standardized approach is to streamline the review, evaluation, and negotiation process for government contracts, ensuring a rapid analysis of proposed costs. While the template does not specify the exact goods or services being procured, it serves as a tool to facilitate the procurement process by providing a structured format for cost submissions.
    Attachment F presents an accelerated contract award option for proposals submitted to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under the Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) Office-wide BAA. This option aims to expedite the contract award process for efforts that do not exceed $2,000,000, benefiting both DARPA and proposers. The key procurement objective here is to establish a streamlined path for procuring cost-reimbursement contracts, specifically Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee or Cost (No Fee) contracts, for unclassified research and development efforts. Proposers opting for this accelerated option agree to prescribed terms and conditions, including specific data rights assertions, fee calculation limitations, and the use of DARPA's cost proposal spreadsheet. They must also provide substantiating information for all proposed cost elements and, if applicable, a small business subcontracting plan. In exchange, DARPA commits to awarding the contract within 30 days of the proposer's receipt of selection notification. This attachment outlines the stipulations for this accelerated process, emphasizing the importance of compliance to maintain DARPA's expedited award commitment.
    This document outlines a contract between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and an unnamed contractor for research and development work. The contract is a cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) completion contract, with the contractor required to accomplish tasks outlined in the Statement of Work (SOW) and Additional Requirements. The contract includes clauses related to inspection, acceptance, deliveries, contract administration, and various standard and special requirements. The contractor will be responsible for delivering technical data, reports, and other deliverables as outlined in the contract attachments. These deliverables will be inspected and accepted at the destination by the government. The contract administration data section includes billing instructions and payment instructions, with specific information on how to submit payment requests and receiving reports through the Wide Area WorkFlow (WAWF) system. The contract clauses section incorporates numerous FAR and DFARS clauses by reference, with a few clauses included in full text. These clauses cover a range of topics, including basic safeguarding of contractor information systems, overtime premiums, equal opportunity for veterans and workers with disabilities, subcontracts, commercial bill of lading notations, and more. The exhibits and attachments section includes a template for the Statement of Work, which provides a structure for describing the project background, overview, tasks/technical requirements, and milestones. Additional requirements are outlined, such as controlled unclassified information, key personnel, type of contract, small business subcontracting plan and goals, and travel. The contract also includes reporting requirements, invention disclosures, public release or dissemination of information guidelines, and period of performance extensions. Finally, the Data Rights Assertions List allows the contractor to assert restrictions on the government's rights to use, release, or disclose technical data or computer software furnished under the contract. The contractor must provide information such as the basis for the assertion, the asserted rights category, and the name of the person asserting the restrictions.
    This file pertains to a federal government contract award notice, with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as the awarding agency. The contract is a cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) type, with a focus on research and development. The contractor will be responsible for accomplishing tasks outlined in the Statement of Work (SOW) and Additional Requirements, including providing technical data, reports, and other deliverables. The contract includes a base period and three additional line items related to reports and deliverables, contractor-acquired property, and inspection and acceptance. The contract emphasizes the delivery of services, with specific tasks outlined in the SOW and Additional Requirements. These tasks are to be completed within the specified period of performance, with potential for no-cost extensions. The contractor is also responsible for submitting various reports, including R&D status reports, financial status reports, and a final report, adhering to specified frequencies and due dates. The contract includes provisions for incremental funding, with the current funding estimated to be sufficient for the contractor's performance. It also outlines invention disclosures, publication restrictions, and the process for requesting public release of information. The contract incorporates numerous clauses by reference and includes full-text clauses, such as those related to safeguarding contractor information systems, overtime premiums, equal opportunity for veterans and workers with disabilities, and subcontracts. The contract award notice also includes attachments, such as the SOW, Additional Requirements, and a Data Rights Assertions List, which provide further details on the specific tasks, deliverables, and data rights associated with the contract.
    This attachment pertains to the Accelerated Contract Award Option, which outlines an organization's election to expedite the contract award process with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The organization agrees to certain stipulations in exchange for DARPA's commitment to award a contract within 30 days of receiving a notification of selection. The main procurement objective here is to obtain a cost proposal for a project with a cost limit of $2,000,000, choosing either a Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee or Cost (No Fee) contract structure. The organization attests that their accounting system has been reviewed and deemed adequate, and they agree to a singular base period with no options. They also consent to anticipated FAR/DFARS clauses and specific data rights for delivered software and data. Additionally, the organization commits to a maximum fee calculation percentage and includes the required DARPA cost proposal spreadsheet with substantiating documentation. Small businesses are required to submit a subcontracting plan or provide a rationale for not doing so. This attachment serves as a formal agreement, with the authorized signature, for an accelerated contract award process, highlighting the specific conditions and requirements that must be met by the organization.
    This document, a Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) guide, outlines marking instructions and protection requirements for unclassified information within Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) solicitations or requests that do not include program-specific CUI guidance. It applies to DARPA personnel, support contractors, mission partners, and industrial performers involved in developing responses to MTO solicitations. The guide identifies three main categories of CUI: Defense, Export Control, and Proprietary Business Information. Defense-related CUI includes technical information with military or space applications that is subject to access and dissemination controls. Export Control CUI pertains to unclassified information whose export could impact national security and nonproliferation objectives, including dual-use items and export administration/international traffic regulations. Lastly, Proprietary Business Information covers material related to a company's products, business, or activities, such as financial data, trade secrets, and product research and development. The document emphasizes the protection of CUI from unauthorized disclosure, specifying storage requirements and permitted processing systems. It also provides instructions for reporting unauthorized disclosures and data breaches. Additionally, the guide addresses Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, foreign disclosure, and relevant exemptions. Charts are included to help identify the type of CUI, applicable dissemination controls, and associated markings. Overall, this CUI guide ensures consistent handling, marking, and protection of sensitive unclassified information associated with MTO solicitations, in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and guidance.
    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is issuing a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) to solicit innovative research proposals in microsystems technology. This initiative aims to advance high-risk, high-reward technologies to enhance U.S. national security and maintain technological superiority. Key focus areas include Scientific Disruption (novel integrated circuits), the Microsystems Manufacturing Ecosystem (sustainable manufacturing practices), and Dual Use by Design (commercial scaling integrated with defense requirements). Interested parties can submit proposals addressing topics such as quantum circuits, photonic circuits, biological circuits, and manufacturing enhancements, with multiple awards anticipated. Proposals will be evaluated based on scientific merit, relevance to DARPA's mission, and cost realism. The submission process includes a rolling timeline for abstracts and full proposals, with specific deadlines outlined. Additionally, DARPA may conduct "Pitch Day" events for direct proposal presentations. The announcement encourages participation from various organizations, emphasizing opportunities for minority institutions and small businesses while adhering to essential compliance with security and export regulations.
    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), through its Microsystems Technology Office (MTO), has released a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for revolutionary research ideas beyond its current programs and published solicitations. The MTO seeks to award multiple procurement contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, or other transactions for research and development in three thrust areas: Scientific Disruption, Microsystems Manufacturing Ecosystem, and Dual Use by Design. Under Scientific Disruption, the focus is on developing the next generation of transistor technology, specifically exploring photonic circuits, quantum circuits, and bio/organic circuits. This includes advancing photonic interconnects, quantum computing, and biomolecular computing. For Microsystems Manufacturing Ecosystem, the goal is to develop sustainable and resource-efficient fabrication methods for advanced microsystems, with an emphasis on predictive process control, additive manufacturing, and material reuse. The Dual Use by Design thrust aims to strengthen the partnership between the DoD and commercial enterprises, ensuring that military microsystem technologies have commercial viability and economic dominance. Proposals will be evaluated based on scientific and technical merit, potential contribution to DARPA's mission, and cost realism. The submission process includes an optional abstract phase and a full proposal phase, with rolling deadlines until March 9, 2025, and May 9, 2025, respectively. This BAA offers an accelerated contract award option for proposals not exceeding $2 million, with awards to be made within 30 days of selection.
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