Sources Sought Notice: AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF is seeking liquid nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide for use in laboratory analysis and transportation of plant samples at USDA's Agricultural Research Service in Ithaca, NY. The contractor must be able to deliver to the Robert W. Holley Center in Ithaca, NY and supply compressed gas in common size tanks and refill liquid nitrogen dewars provided by the Government. The required gases include liquid nitrogen, carbon dioxide, helium, and high purity nitrogen, as well as specialty gases as needed. Delivery is estimated to be every 1-2 weeks or within 2 days upon request. The estimated quantities per year for various items range from 12 to 48. Interested parties should provide their firm's information, existing capabilities, interest in competing for the requirement, and any recommendations to improve the acquisition approach/specifications. Responses should be sent to Brandon Lewis at BRANDON.LEWIS@USDA.GOV by December 22, 2023, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time.