Solicitation Notice: DEPT OF DEFENSE - DEPT OF THE ARMY is seeking basic and applied research services at the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command - Soldier Center. This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) aims to identify scientific and technical areas of interest for research and/or exploratory development. The BAA utilizes a two-step process, starting with the submission of a concept paper followed by a proposal. The BAA will remain open until 28 FEBRUARY 2025. The technical areas of interest include combat feeding equipment and systems, soldier protection and survivability, soldier performance optimization, expeditionary maneuver support and field service technologies, aerial delivery advanced personnel and cargo airdrop systems, and simulation and training technology. The contracting office is located at ACC-APG- Natick, Natick Contracting Division, Building 1, General Greene Avenue, Natick, MA 01760-5011.