Refugee Family Child Care Microenterprise Development Program
ID: 349736Type: Posted


Administration for Children and Families - ORR (HHS-ACF-ORR)

Award Range

$175K - $250K

Eligible Applicants


Funding Category

Income Security and Social Services

Funding Instrument


Opportunity Category


Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement


    The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is offering a funding opportunity through the Refugee Family Child Care Microenterprise Development Program (RFCCMED) aimed at assisting refugees in establishing licensed family child care businesses. The program's objectives include promoting economic self-sufficiency for refugees, facilitating access to licensed child care services, and providing training and technical assistance in child care and microenterprise development. With an estimated total funding of $2 million, the ACF plans to award up to eight grants ranging from $175,000 to $250,000 each. Applications are due by June 28, 2024, and interested organizations can contact Khalilullah Rasekh at for further information.

    The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) has announced a funding opportunity for the Refugee Family Child Care Microenterprise Development (RFCCMED) Program. This program aims to assist refugees in establishing licensed family childcare businesses, promoting their economic self-sufficiency. With an estimated budget of $2 million for up to eight awards ranging from $175,000 to $250,000 each, the program will offer training, technical assistance, financial literacy education, and direct financial aid for home preparations. Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations, with a strong emphasis on equity and support for women refugees. The program seeks to overcome challenges refugees face, such as navigating licensing processes and unfamiliar childcare norms. Participants will receive technical guidance and potential stipends to cover startup costs. Key requirements include performing a local needs assessment, providing culturally relevant training, and maintaining weekly support for participants during business establishment. Organizations must ensure compliance with regulations and demonstrate community engagement to foster lasting impacts. Applications are due by June 28, 2024, with awards expected by August 2024. This initiative aligns with federal efforts to improve economic opportunities for refugees, thus broadening their access to quality childcare services.
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