Women’s Amplified Voices in the Economy (WAVE)
ID: 357914Type: Posted


Office of Global Womens Issues (DOS-SBUR-SGWI)

Award Range

$3M - $4M

Eligible Applicants

Nonprofits Without 501(c)(3) Status

Funding Category


Funding Instrument

Cooperative Agreement

Opportunity Category


Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement


    The Office of Global Women's Issues at the U.S. Department of State is inviting organizations to submit a Statement of Interest (SOI) for the Women's Amplified Voices in the Economy (WAVE) program, aimed at strengthening grassroots, women-led networks to enhance women's economic security. Applicants must propose a consortium of U.S.-based and/or international organizations with expertise in areas such as women's entrepreneurship, labor rights, and addressing gender-based violence, while demonstrating strong local partnerships in at least three selected countries. This initiative, with an estimated total funding of $3.5 million and a maximum award ceiling of $3.5 million for two anticipated awards, has a submission deadline of February 24, 2025. Interested parties can reach out to SGWIProjectProposals@state.gov for further information and must follow the guidelines outlined in the Request for Statements of Interest.

    Point(s) of Contact
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