The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is planning to publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for Mentored Career Enhancement Awards. This opportunity aims to support mid-career investigators in acquiring cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills for comparative studies of human and nonhuman primate species with differing life spans. The FOA will provide funding for experienced investigators to augment or redirect their research program by acquiring expertise in other fields related to comparative primate research and aging. It also encourages the development of collaborations with research fields that investigators do not commonly interact with. The FOA is expected to be published in June 2024, with an anticipated application due date in November 2024. The estimated total program funding is $1,500,000, and four awards are expected to be granted. The FOA will utilize the K18 Career Enhancement Award activity code and will not allow clinical trials. Potential applicants are advised to identify potential mentors and prepare well-developed career enhancement plans. Additional details of the planned FOA will be provided in the future.