Project to Support the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Race, Ethnicity, and Social Inclusion (RESI) Goals
ID: 352302Type: Posted


Department of State (DOS)

Award Range

$2M - $2M

Eligible Applicants


Funding Category


Funding Instrument


Opportunity Category


Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement

  1. 1
    Forecast Posted Not available
  2. 2
    Forecast Due Not available
  3. 3
    Posted Feb 12, 2024 12:00 AM
  4. 4
    Due Apr 12, 2024 12:00 AM

The Department of State has posted a grant opportunity titled "Project to Support the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Race, Ethnicity, and Social Inclusion (RESI) Goals". This grant aims to provide up to $1,973,359.00 in Fiscal Year 2023 Economic Support Funds (ESF) for a project period of 36 months. The funding will support activities in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico to advance reforms that promote equity and equality, eliminate barriers to inclusion, and create equal access and opportunities for members of marginalized and underserved communities. U.S. Non-profit/non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with a 501(c)(3) status, overseas based NGOs, institutions of higher education, and public international organizations (PIOs) are eligible to apply. Locally based NGOs are strongly encouraged to apply. The grant does not require cost sharing or matching. The deadline for application submission is April 12, 2024. For inquiries, contact

Point(s) of Contact
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