Special Notice: HOMELAND SECURITY, DEPARTMENT OF USCIS FY24 3rd Quarter Conference Call with Industry
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Office of Contracting (OCON) is hosting its third Quarter Conference Call with Industry for Fiscal Year 24 on April 23, 2024. The purpose of this call is to provide open and engaging dialogue between USCIS and industry regarding current and future requirements. The focus of the call will be to provide industry with the latest procurement related information for USCIS.
The conference call will be held on Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) and will no longer be operator assisted. Participants will be muted upon entry and their video will be disabled. USCIS plans to record the session and post the recording on its YouTube channel. The presentation slides will be made available no later than April 10, 2024.
During the call, questions will be accepted and answered live, but only related to the specific requirements being presented. Once a subdivision's requirements have been briefed, no further live questions will be answered. USCIS will collect all questions and provide responses post-call.
Industry is strongly encouraged to submit questions in advance, including the slide/APFS number, to ensure accurate and timely answers. Questions should be submitted by 10:00 am (ET) on April 18, 2024, to USCIS_Vendoroutreach@uscis.dhs.gov.
This conference call is part of the FY24 Quarterly Conference Calls with Industry, with previous calls held on October 31, 2023, and January 30, 2024. The fourth and final call is scheduled for July 30, 2024.
The USCIS is committed to providing industry with accurate and up-to-date procurement information and values feedback from industry to improve engagement.