Provably Weird Network Deployment and Detection (PWND²)
ID: HR001124S0037Type: Solicitation




Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) (541715)



    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting proposals for the Provably Weird Network Deployment and Detection (PWND²) program, aimed at developing innovative solutions for hidden communication systems. The initiative seeks to enhance software-defined networking and formal methods to ensure robust privacy and performance guarantees in real-world applications, addressing current limitations in user anonymity. This program is critical for advancing national security and privacy in communication technologies, with multiple awards anticipated through a two-stage submission process. Interested parties must submit abstracts by October 1, 2024, and full proposals by November 5, 2024. For further inquiries, contact the BAA Coordinator at

    Point(s) of Contact
    BAA Coordinator
    The document outlines the requirements for submitting abstracts related to the Provably Weird Network Deployment and Detection (PWND²) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) by DARPA. It emphasizes the use of a specific template for abstract submissions, which must consist of two pages at the UNCLASSIFIED level, formatted in 12-point font on standard paper. It instructs proposers to include essential details such as project concept, technical approach, team capabilities, and estimated costs. The submission must include a cover sheet and a bibliography. Abstracts should be submitted prior to full proposals for feedback, although a positive response does not guarantee funding. Proposals are to be evaluated based on established criteria, independent of abstract feedback. Final submissions must adhere to deadlines set in the BAA, and late submissions may not be considered. This document serves as a guideline for organizations seeking government contracts in innovative network technologies.
    The document outlines a federal Request for Proposal (RFP), emphasizing the need for innovative solutions under the project identifier HR0011240037, titled PWND2. Organizations are encouraged to provide a concise abstract summarizing their innovative claims, approaches, and rationales for how their proposals would effectively address the outlined objectives. The submission requires a graphic representation, succinct explanation of the innovation's potential success, and a technical approach summary. The purpose is to define criteria for evaluating submissions based on the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) guidelines related to source selection, ensuring that proposals are assessed fairly and effectively. This document serves as a template for organizations seeking funding or partnerships, clarifying expectations regarding format and content. Overall, the RFP aims to foster advancements in technology and methodology aligned with federal goals, streamlining the selection process for the best proposals.
    The document outlines the proposal instructions for the HR001124S0037 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) related to the Provably Weird Network Deployment and Detection (PWND²) program. Proposers must adhere to a structured submission format, including a Proposal Summary Slide, Kick-Start Price Proposal, Basis of Estimate, and acceptance of terms. The total submission for Stage 1 should encompass a technical and management proposal for 30 months, with a maximum of 20 pages detailing technical plans, management strategies, key personnel, and the statement of work for months 7-30. Requirements include a cover sheet, detailed task breakdowns, measurable milestones, and the identification of any organizational conflicts of interest. The document encourages clarity, conciseness, and the avoidance of unrequested supplementary materials. Emphasis is placed on adhering to formatting rules and submission timelines to ensure proposal eligibility. This document serves as a crucial guide for organizations seeking government funding through innovative technical approaches to network deployment and detection, aligning with federal standards for proposal submissions.
    The document outlines a proposal for a federal government Request for Proposals (RFP), emphasizing an innovative approach to the project. It identifies the prime contractor and Principal Investigator, who is responsible for the project’s execution, alongside any subcontractors. The proposal includes a graphic to visually represent the project and presents innovative claims asserting its effectiveness. A brief explanation supports why the proposed method will succeed, followed by a summary of the technical approach that delineates the project's specific strategies and methodologies. The document situates itself within the context of federal grants and state/local RFPs, stressing the importance of compliance with government procurement protocols. Overall, it illustrates a comprehensive plan aimed at achieving the project goals while adhering to regulatory standards and ensuring high-quality outcomes.
    The document outlines the terms and conditions for a Kick-Start Other Transaction (OT) Agreement developed by DARPA. It emphasizes the expedited awarding process, requiring agreements within 30 calendar days post-selection, limiting extensive negotiations. The main objective of this Agreement is to conduct research and development focused on Modeling and Analysis Tools for Hidden Communication Systems, with involved parties being the Government (DARPA) and selected prime organizations. Significant articles detail the agreement's scope, term, payment obligations, management structures, and dispute resolution. Intellectual property rights, safeguarding controlled unclassified information, and limitations on transferring technology to foreign entities are also specified. Attachment sections provide crucial milestones, reporting requirements, and instructions for submission and invoicing through the Wide Area Workflow system. This agreement exemplifies federal engagement in innovative research while ensuring compliance with legal and operational standards, crucial for projects funded under government RFPs and grants.
    The document titled "DARPA-PA-21-05 Price Summary Spreadsheet" outlines the budgetary breakdown for a project under DARPA's solicitation, detailing estimated costs associated with various milestones over several months. It features a structured format where hours worked, hourly rates, and total amounts are to be reported for each milestone—from Month 1 through Month 6—across different categories including direct labor, subcontractors, consultants, and other direct costs such as travel. The document emphasizes pivotal milestones, where amounts will ultimately comprise both the total proposed amount and the government share. Notably, there are placeholders for specific values that remain undisclosed, indicating areas where inputs are necessary. The purpose of this financial summary is to ensure transparency and clarity regarding projected expenditures, thereby aiding in the assessment of proposals in response to the RFP. This aligns with standard practices of federal grants and RFP processes, where accurate financial disclosures are essential for evaluating project feasibility and compliance with funding requirements.
    The document outlines the requirements for submitting a Basis of Estimate (BOE) for the Provably Weird Network Deployment and Detection (PWND²) program under RFP HR001124S0037. It emphasizes that submissions must detail all cost components and provide pricing based on work performed in the first 30 months, commencing from an anticipated award date of August 1, 2025. All proposals are mandated to follow a specified format, including the submission of a detailed Excel spreadsheet if preferred. Additionally, it necessitates a breakdown of costs for the Prime and any sub awardees by focus area, including Kick-Start periods, Test & Evaluation, and Program Management Support. The document provides guidelines for presenting pricing, specifying the inclusion of both direct and indirect costs, and requires a narrative to support cost estimates. The BOE must include relevant details on labor categories, associated travel, and other direct costs, ensuring clarity in the staffing strategy and necessity of materials. Overall, this submission serves as a critical component in evaluating proposed projects and facilitating informed government funding decisions.
    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Provably Weird Network Deployment and Detection (PWND²) program, focusing on innovative proposals in hidden communication systems (HCS). This initiative seeks to enhance software-defined networking and formal methods to ensure robustness and privacy in HCS designs, addressing limitations in current methodologies that lack guaranteed user anonymity. The program anticipates multiple awards through a two-stage submission process, beginning with an abstract due by October 1, 2024, and full proposals by November 5, 2024. Selected proposers will receive initial Kick-Start Other Transaction Agreements for prototype development, followed by potential contracts for subsequent phases. Proposals must explore a new domain-specific language (DSL) for modeling emergent communications and develop analysis tools for providing performance and privacy guarantees. Key deliverables include quarterly technical reports and software outputs, underscoring an emphasis on open-source collaboration. Ultimately, PWND² aims to revolutionize HCS design through rigorous modeling and verification, strengthening national security and privacy in communication systems.
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