Decay on Demand - DRAFT
ID: DARPA-PA-23-03-14Type: Presolicitation




Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) (541715)



    The U.S. Department of Defense's DARPA department is seeking innovative research concepts for a project titled "Decay on Demand." The agency aims to develop advanced methods to control the decay of specific atomic isotopes and increase yields of their daughter products, which have significant applications in medicine, industry, and power systems.

    This procurement consists of two tracks. Track 1 focuses on practical experimentation to achieve precise yield targets, while Track 2 emphasizes theoretical analysis and modeling. Both tracks have a budget of up to $2 million and $1 million, respectively, for a 2-year period.

    The agency seeks cutting-edge solutions to national security challenges by controlling nuclear decay rates. Contractors must demonstrate the ability to meet stringent milestones and deliver specialized services within an ambitious timeline. Proposals are invited for one or both tracks, with a submission deadline of August 9, 2024, and potential award execution by October 23, 2024.

    Point(s) of Contact
    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) issues Amendment 1 to its Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Decay on Demand Disruption Opportunity (DO) program. This amendment signals the RFP's finalization, prompting DARPA to officially solicit proposals from potential contractors. The key dates are noted, with submissions due on August 9, 2024, and award negotiations slated for completion by October 23, 2024, marking the anticipated program launch. The primary objective remains intact from the draft version, focusing on developing innovative methods to control and exploit the decay of specific atomic isotopes, addressing critical national security challenges. Contractors will be expected to propose solutions that enable precise control over the half-lives of these isotopes, revolutionizing applications across multiple domains, including defense, medicine, and energy. The successful proposal will likely be a firm-fixed-price contract, with an estimated value dependent upon the final negotiated scope. Evaluation of proposals will prioritize the technical merit and feasibility of the approach, while also considering cost-effectiveness, past performance, and other evaluation criteria detailed in the RFP.
    The primary objective of this procurement is to secure experimental support and expertise to achieve a precise yield of alpha particle emissions, progressing from 1E-12 to 1E-9 grams of daughter products. The milestones are meticulously planned, encompassing kick-off meetings, technical interchange meetings, and the presentation of experimental setups and results. Phase 1 focuses on reaching the 1E-12 grams milestone and detailing a scalable path to 1E-9 grams. This phase includes milestone reports, a final report, and a presentation outlining the process. Phase 2 aims to achieve the 1E-9 grams target within a rapid timeframe, with an emphasis on efficiency. The scope involves milestone reporting, a final report, and presentations. The contractor will receive payments aligned with these milestones, some of which are yet to be determined. The RFP outlines a rigorous timeline, expecting significant progress every three months, which demonstrates the agency's urgency in achieving these targets.
    The government agency seeks advanced modeling and simulation services for nuclear physics research. The objective is to develop a robust framework to analyze and predict the behavior of radioisotopes and their contribution to yield. The focus is on achieving precise outcomes, with milestones centered around technical meetings and reports. The work scope involves feasibility assessments, data analysis, and the presentation of findings. Key milestones include technical interchange meetings where the contractor will utilize Track 1 performers' data and present expectations and preliminary results. The agency emphasizes the importance of peer reviews and analysis of Track 1 data. Contractors will also deliver milestone reports and final reports summarizing their work. This information is time-sensitive, with the first kickoff meeting scheduled for the first month. The evaluation of proposals will likely consider technical merit, with an emphasis on understanding the subject matter and the ability to meet the outlined milestones.
    The Decay on Demand Disruption Opportunity (DO) procurement extends its proposal page limit from 8 to 10 pages, aligning with the Disruptioneering Program Announcement. This increase applies to the technical and management proposal template. The core focus of the procurement remains intact, seeking innovative approaches to control and manipulate the decay of materials, maintaining the program's objectives and evaluation criteria.
    The DARPA-PA-23-03-14 RFP seeks innovative research concepts for efficient production methods of valuable radioisotopes. The main objective is to develop techniques to accelerate the natural decay process of actinide radioisotopes, enabling the timely creation of significant quantities of novel daughter products. These products have applications in medicine, industry, and power systems. DARPA invites proposals for both experimental and theoretical approaches. Track 1 focuses on experimentation, aiming to develop processes to achieve specific yield targets within a 24-month period. Track 2 emphasizes theoretical analysis, aiming to understand the physics behind increased production yields. Each track has a proposed budget of up to $2 million for a 2-year period. Applicants must submit unclassified proposals by the deadline, with evaluations based on specified milestones and technical merit. Key dates include a submission deadline of August 9, 2024, and potential award execution by October 23, 2024.
    The DARPA-PA-23-03-14 RFP seeks innovative research concepts for efficient production methods of valuable radioisotopes. The main objective is to develop techniques to accelerate the natural decay process of actinide radioisotopes, enabling the timely creation of significant quantities of novel daughter products. These products have applications in medicine, industry, and power systems. DARPA invites proposals for both experimental and theoretical approaches. Track 1 focuses on experimentation, aiming to achieve a high yield of daughter products within a short time frame. Track 2 concentrates on theoretical analyses, utilizing the data from Track 1 experiments to develop an understanding of the underlying physics. The agency seeks contractors to conduct these research efforts, with potential OT awards of up to $2 million for Track 1 and $1 million for Track 2. Proposals are due by 4:00 p.m. on August 9, 2024, with key evaluation criteria including the technical merit and feasibility of the approaches.
    The DARPA-PA-23-03-14 file outlines a procurement opportunity for innovative research concepts in accelerated production of specific radioisotopes. The main objective is to develop efficient methods to produce enhanced yields of novel daughter products from actinide radioisotopes, focusing on inducing alpha-particle emission. The procurement seeks experimental and theoretical approaches for this purpose. Track 1 involves practical experimentation with a budget of up to $2 million, while Track 2 requires theoretical analysis and modeling, budgeted at up to $1 million. Both tracks aim to achieve targeted yield milestones within specified timelines. Proposals are invited for one or both tracks, with separate submissions required. Critical dates include a kickoff meeting and a final proposal submission deadline, both TBD. Evaluation will consider the potential impact and feasibility of the proposed approaches. Selected proposals will result in Other Transaction agreements, with negotiations ceasing if not completed by an unspecified date. The emphasis is on swift award processes, with an expected program start date of TBD.
    The government agency seeks to procure specialized services for a project titled "Decay on Demand." The primary objective is to engage contractors to assist in research and development, specifically in controlling nuclear decay rates and yield. The agency outlines a comprehensive schedule of milestones and corresponding payments, dividing the project into two phases. Phase 1 focuses on achieving a yield of 1E-12 grams of daughter products and identifying a path to reach 1E-9 grams within a week. This phase includes milestone reports, technical interchange meetings, and a final report documentation. Phase 2 aims to attain a rapid yield of more than 1E-9 grams in a single day and also encompasses multiple milestones and a final presentation. The agency emphasizes the importance of collaboration and knowledge transfer between contractors, requiring frequent status updates and shared experimental insights. The RFP outlines a complex technical endeavor, indicating the agency's quest for cutting-edge solutions in nuclear research. The evaluation of proposals will likely prioritize technical merit and the ability to meet stringent milestones. Financial details and contract types are included, offering potential contractors a comprehensive overview of the project's expectations and rewards. Responding to this RFP requires a detailed proposal that addresses the technical challenges and demonstrates the ability to deliver specialized services within the outlined timelines.
    The government agency seeks advanced modeling and simulation services for nuclear physics research. The objective is to develop a rapid approach for achieving precise yields of radioisotopes, outlined in two phases. Phase 1 focuses on achieving a yield of 1E-9 grams in a week, while Phase 2 aims for the same yield in a shorter timeframe of one day. The agency emphasizes the need for feasibility assessments, peer reviews, and detailed analyses throughout these phases. Technical Interchange Meetings (TIM) are pivotal for presenting and assessing progress. Milestones include kickoff meetings, intermediate reports, and final presentations for each phase. The schedule of payments is linked to these milestones, with potential sub-contractors responsible for delivering targeted outcomes within specified timeframes. The agency seeks a comprehensive understanding of the physics involved and the ability to present clear peer reviews of the data. This information forms the basis of a broader procurement process, with contract details and evaluations criteria to be further defined.
    Decay on Demand - DRAFT
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