Aviation Research BAA
ID: 692M15-20-R-00004Type: Special Notice



    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Aviation Research, soliciting innovative solutions from the aviation sector across multiple research domains. This five-year BAA aims to enhance aviation safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability, encouraging submissions from industry and educational institutions.

    The FAA seeks proposals aligned with specified research topics, including airport pavements, safety, software & systems, and structures & propulsion. For instance, designing acoustic sensors for concrete pavements and assessing pavement roughness are key focuses. Additionally, the agency aims to improve airport safety by addressing unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) risks and exploring fluorine-free firefighting agents. Software & Systems research encompasses advanced flight controls, cognitive bias training, and complex digital systems.

    Offerors must submit concise white papers for initial screening, followed by an invitation to submit detailed proposals. The FAA evaluates submissions based on technical merit, relevance, and cost-effectiveness, with an emphasis on innovation and impact on aviation safety.

    This BAA offers potential contracts and funding for successful submissions, with key dates varying and some deadlines extended. Interested parties should regularly check for amendments and ensure their SAM registrations are up-to-date.

    Point(s) of Contact
    The Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seeks to advance aviation research across multiple disciplines over the next five years. The FAA invites proposals for basic and applied research projects that enhance the understanding and application of aviation technologies. This BAA encourages submissions from various entities, including industry and educational institutions, with a focus on scientific study and experimentation. Offerors must first submit concise white papers outlining their research purposes, methods, and timelines. Acceptable white papers will then be invited to submit detailed proposals. These proposals must include a technical volume, limited to 25 pages, and a cost volume of up to 10 pages. The technical component must cover program management, past performance, and intellectual property rights, while the cost component comprises direct labor, materials, travel, and other relevant expenses. Proposals will be evaluated based on technical merit, relevance to the FAA's mission, and cost effectiveness. The FAA reserves the right to negotiate award details, including contract type and funding. Offerors should be aware of the potential for incremental funding and the requirement to deliver intellectual property developed during the research. Key dates include an ongoing white paper submission window, with responses to submitted white papers expected within 60 days. This BAA remains open until November 2024, and prospective vendors should ensure their SAM registrations are up to date.
    The Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seeks to advance aviation research over a five-year period. The focus is on scientific research and experimentation in various domains such as fire safety, human factors, airport technology, software, and aircraft structures. The FAA invites proposals for projects that enhance the current state of knowledge, with the potential for practical applications. Offerors are required to submit concise white papers outlining their research objectives, methods, and timelines, which will be assessed for feasibility and alignment with FAA missions. Successful white papers lead to full proposal requests. Proposals are evaluated based on technical merit, relevance to FAA goals, and cost-effectiveness. The FAA seeks to award contracts bilaterally, but unilateral awards are also possible. The agency encourages industry and educational institutions to respond, with an emphasis on small businesses and disadvantaged entities. Cost-sharing arrangements and a variety of contract types, including Other Transaction Agreements, are considered. This BAA supports ongoing research efforts and encourages the submission of innovative ideas to improve aviation safety and efficiency. Key dates and submission deadlines will be provided in future amendments to the BAA, and interested parties are advised to monitor the SAM website for updates.
    The Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seeks to advance aviation research. It invites proposals for projects that enhance the understanding and application of aviation-focused technologies, methods, and materials. The BAA encompasses various research topics within the FAA's Aviation Research and Development Division, spanning fire safety, human factors, airport technology, and more. Offerors are required to submit white papers for initial screening and may subsequently be prompted to provide full proposals. The FAA emphasizes the importance of technical merit, mission relevance, and available funding in the selection process. Proposals should encompass a detailed program overview, including objectives, methodologies, and feasibility. They must also address personnel, facilities, and scheduling, with emphasis on the Offeror's capabilities. Cost proposals outline direct labor, materials, travel, and other expenses, while also detailing funding preferences. The FAA reserves the right to select the contract type, with preferences for firm-fixed-price arrangements. This BAA is open for five years, and submissions are assessed based on their scientific and technical merit, potential impact on aviation research, and the competency of the proposing team. Offerors are advised to connect with the relevant Technical Point of Contact for each research topic and follow the specified format and content requirements.
    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) seeking innovative research solutions from external entities. This multi-year BAA, valid through November 2024, aims to advance aviation research in several key areas. The FAA's Aviation Research and Development Division seeks to collaborate with diverse entities, including industry and educational institutions, to address current and future air transportation challenges. This BAA encourages the submission of white papers and proposals relevant to specified research topics. The focus is on enhancing aviation safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility. Selected proposals will contribute to the FAA's mission while considering factors like technical merit, relevance, and available funding. Offerors are required to submit detailed white papers for initial screening, with the potential to be invited for full proposal submissions. The FAA emphasizes the importance of clarity and conciseness in both white papers and proposals, placing significant emphasis on advancing the state-of-the-art in aviation research. White papers, limited to five pages, must outline the purpose, methodology, and timeline of the proposed research. Should their white papers be successful, offerors will be invited to submit detailed proposals, divided into technical and cost elements. The technical component is capped at 25 pages and should encompass program management, past performance, and intellectual property rights details. The cost component, limited to 10 pages, must provide a comprehensive breakdown of expenses. The FAA has outlined a rigorous assessment process, considering overall scientific merit, mission relevance, and team competency. Cost analysis will also be a consideration, although costs will not be rated or scored. Offerors should be aware that the FAA favors firm-fixed-price contracts but may negotiate other types. This BAA indicates the potential for multiple awards to be made, and the FAA encourages the participation of diverse businesses and institutions in this open competition. Key dates and further administrative details are available within the BAA, and interested parties are responsible for regularly checking for any amendments.
    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issues a call for white papers under a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). The focus is on researching and evaluating "drone-in-a-box" small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) for various on-airport applications. The FAA aims to integrate sUAS into airport operations to enhance efficiency and safety. Respondents are invited to submit white papers addressing the feasibility and potential of autonomously deployed sUAS for tasks like airport perimeter inspections, surveillance, and aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) monitoring. The agency seeks insights into the capabilities and limitations of such systems, along with recommendations for their effective integration. Offerors should have experience operating sUAS in airport environments and obtaining necessary authorizations. The FAA plans a 24-month period of performance for selected projects, with no stated budget parameters. White papers are due by February 2024, and the agency encourages prospective vendors to respond promptly.
    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seeks white papers for a crucial research initiative. The objective is to design, implement, and embed an acoustic sensor system within concrete test pavements at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF). This system must employ coda wave interferometry (CWI) to monitor and detect subsurface damage, enhancing airport pavement design procedures. The five-year project aims to assess structural damage evolution, focusing on a 17.5 ft wide x 18 ft long concrete slab. Respondents are tasked with developing a robust solution to instrument this area, employing CWI principles for damage detection. The FAA emphasizes the need for a system that can endure the test cycle's duration, surviving invisibly beneath the surface. This unique opportunity carries an estimated annual funding of up to $200,000 per project, with a three-year period of performance, extendable based on success. White papers, due by February 27, 2024, must address the specified research parameters.
    The FAA issues Call 011 under BAA 692M15-20-R-00004, seeking research on critical data gaps impacting low-altitude vertical flight operations. The focus is on enhancing safety and integrating emerging aircraft, including helicopters, drones, and Advanced Air Mobility vehicles, into the National Airspace System. Respondents are invited to submit white papers addressing the challenges of disparate and limited spatial data for vertical flight facilities. The FAA seeks recommendations to modify database standards and evaluate vertiport mapping requirements for safe AAM operations. Testing and evaluation of procedures to populate the FAA's data portal with comprehensive vertical flight facility information is also mandated. The literature review and stakeholder engagement are emphasized. With a 24-month period of performance, the FAA urges prompt submission of white papers to influence this specific Call.
    The FAA's Broad Agency Announcement solicits innovative solutions from the aviation community for various research topics. Airport Pavements focuses on developing inspection methods for multiple bump events and designing embedded acoustic sensors for concrete test pavements. The Airport Safety section seeks fluorine-free firefighting agents and technologies to detect and mitigate unmanned aircraft systems' risks. Aviation Research Software & Systems aims to enhance general aviation safety through advanced flight controls, mission task elements, and cognitive bias training modules. Research on integrated flight and propulsion control, helicopter fuel systems, and complex digital systems also seeks industry insights. Solutions are sought to streamline aircraft certification processes and assure the safety of emerging technologies. The FAA encourages white papers and proposals aligning with these topics, offering potential contracts for successful submissions. Key dates and performance periods vary, with some deadlines extended and others unspecified. The agency emphasizes the evaluation of technical merit and relevance in the selection process.
    The FAA's Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) Aviation Research 2020 solicits proposals for various aviation research topics. This BAA aims to improve aviation safety, technology, and efficiency. Let's examine each section briefly. The Airport Pavements (ARAP) section focuses on developing inspection methods and guidelines for airport pavement roughness, addressing multiple bump events. It seeks proposals to enhance the Boeing Bump Index, considering both single and multiple events. The Period of Performance (PoP) varies based on projects, with a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) not exceeding $200,000 annually. The Airport Safety (ARAS) section aims to identify fluorine-free firefighting agents as a safer alternative to the current aqueous film-forming foams used at airports, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations. The FAA seeks white papers addressing foam performance and environmental impact, with a focus on developing airport safety standards. The PoP and ROM are flexible, determined by proposed projects. The Airport Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Detection and Mitigation Research Program seeks to test and evaluate technologies for detecting and mitigating UAS risks in the airport environment. The FAA wants to collect data on detection and mitigation capabilities without interfering with airport operations. The PoP and ROM are project-dependent. The Software & Systems (ARSS) section addresses advanced flight control systems and mechanical structures for general aviation, VTOL, and rotorcraft. The goal is to enhance safety and certification processes for these aircraft. This section also focuses on cognitive biases, aiming to create a training module to reduce pilot errors. The PoP is set at 24 months, with a ROM up to $450,000. The Complex Digital Systems section explores assurance and verification methodologies for AI/ML applications in safety-critical airborne systems. The FAA wants to address safety risks and develop recommendations for certifying highly integrated digital systems. The PoP is project-based, with a ROM not exceeding $400,000 annually. Overall, this BAA outlines a comprehensive research agenda, focusing on aviation safety, technology advancements, and environmental considerations. The FAA invites innovative proposals and white papers for these topics, with various PoP and ROM based on the specific research areas. Key dates and evaluation criteria for each section are also provided within the respective sections of the BAA.
    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Aviation Research, seeking innovative solutions from the aviation community. This BAA covers a wide range of research topics related to airport pavements, airport safety, software & systems, and structures & propulsion. For Airport Pavements, the FAA seeks methods and procedures for assessing airport pavement roughness, considering multiple bump events. They also seek designs for embedded acoustic sensors to monitor subsurface damage in concrete test pavements. Additionally, they aim to develop a design model for reflection cracking in asphalt overlays and invite research utilizing field monitoring and instrumentation data for pavement design enhancement. Rational overload criteria for airport pavements are also of interest, along with understanding scale effects in reflective cracking. In the domain of Airport Safety, the focus is on replacing aqueous film-forming foams (AFFF) with fluorine-free firefighting agents, detecting and mitigating unmanned aircraft systems' (UAS) risks, and exploring autonomously deployed small UAS for on-airport applications. The FAA solicits white papers for Software & Systems, particularly advanced flight control systems and mechanical solutions to enhance general aviation safety. Research on integrated flight and propulsion control for rotorcraft, helicopter fuel system drop tests, and reducing pilot errors through awareness of cognitive biases are also encouraged. Furthermore, the FAA seeks research on complex digital systems, including AI/ML applications and autonomy assurance in safety-critical airborne systems. The agency aims to address certification issues related to these technologies. This BAA outlines a comprehensive research agenda, and the FAA will evaluate proposals based on their relevance and potential impact on aviation safety and efficiency. Offerors are advised to respond to the specific research topics outlined, although innovative ideas aligning with the FAA's goals are also welcome. The FAA plans to fund these projects annually, with varying estimated values, subject to the availability of funds.
    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seeks innovative solutions from the aviation community through its Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Aviation Research 2020. This BAA covers a wide range of research topics related to airport safety and efficiency. Procurement Objective: The FAA aims to enhance airport pavement design, evaluation, and safety through several research topics. This includes developing methods to assess pavement roughness, designing embedded acoustic sensors for concrete test pavements, and creating a design model for reflection cracking in asphalt overlays. Additionally, the FAA seeks to improve airport pavement management by analyzing field monitoring data and developing rational overload criteria. Another focus area is understanding scale effects in reflective cracking and identifying environmentally friendly alternatives to aqueous film-forming foams for firefighting. The agency also seeks to enhance airport safety by detecting and mitigating risks posed by unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and exploring the potential of autonomously deployed small UAS for on-airport applications. Research is also directed at gathering critical data on vertical flight facilities to enable safe low-altitude operations and integrating emerging aircraft into the National Airspace System. In the realm of software and systems, the FAA seeks white papers addressing advanced flight controls, mechanical systems, and automation in general aviation to enhance safety. Topics include cockpit displays, flight path control systems, and mission task elements for certification. Additionally, the FAA is interested in integrated flight and propulsion control for rotorcraft and standardizing helicopter fuel system drop tests. Human factor considerations are addressed through a training module aimed at reducing pilot errors arising from cognitive biases. The FAA also invites research on complex digital systems, particularly focusing on assurance and validation of AI/ML applications, autonomous systems, and highly integrated and distributed aircraft architectures. Specifications and Requirements: The FAA provides detailed requirements for each research topic, often including specific technical specifications. For instance, the agency seeks methods to calculate roughness of airport pavements, with a focus on multiple bump events. In another topic, the design of an embedded sensor system for concrete test pavements must cover a specified surface area and survive the test cycle. Some topics specify the use of existing FAA software, such as FAARFIELD, in developing solutions. Others outline specific data sources or standards that must be considered, like the Airport Pavement Management System (APMS) or ICAO guidelines. Scope of Work: The scope of work varies across topics, encompassing tasks such as developing methodologies, procedures, or software packages related to pavement engineering. Offerors are often expected to conduct research, testing, and data analysis. For instance, in the context of airport safety, vendors might be tasked with evaluating UAS detection and mitigation systems or conducting beyond visual line of sight operations with autonomously deployed small UAS. In software and systems, the work may involve developing training modules or conducting flight tests and data collection. Contract Details: Contract types mentioned include firm-fixed-price and time-and-materials. Estimated contract values vary, with some topics specifying annual funding limits, such as $200,000 per project per fiscal year. Key Dates: The BAA indicates that white papers can be submitted at any time until the expiration of the announcement or until individual topics are removed. It encourages offerors to submit white papers outlining their approaches for FAA evaluation. Evaluation Criteria: Evaluation criteria vary across the diverse research topics. The FAA often considers the technical merit and feasibility of the proposed solutions, including their innovation and potential impact on aviation safety and efficiency. For some topics, the agency may also evaluate the offeror's qualifications, past performance, and cost effectiveness. Other topics place more emphasis on the technical approach, use of relevant data, and the feasibility of the proposed research and development timeline.
    Aviation Research BAA
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