Transient Photoelectron and Cathodoluminescence Spectrometer – Laser System
ID: 446654Type: Solicitation




Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing (334516)



    The U.S. Department of Energy, through its contract with Brookhaven Science Associates (BSA), seeks proposals for a Transient Photoelectron and Cathodoluminescence Spectrometer (TPCS) – Laser System, a critical component of an advanced scientific instrument to be installed at the Center for Nanoscale Materials in Argonne National Laboratory.

    This procurement involves the design and manufacture of a complex laser system, comprising three specialized sub-components: an amplified femtosecond laser, laser harmonic generators, and a pulse width adjustment mechanism. The system must meet meticulous technical specifications, including the ability to produce precise train pulses for optical excitation and ionization of samples. It should allow for spectral tuning and pulse control, ensuring flexible and exact sample excitation.

    BSA invites vendors to bid on this project, focusing on their technical expertise, past experience, and manufacturing capabilities. Vendors must demonstrate their proficiency in delivering bespoke laser solutions, with strict adherence to quality assurance protocols. The agency seeks a comprehensive conceptual design, emphasizing the system's performance, reliability, and compactness.

    The evaluation process weighs technical merit heavily, assessing vendors' ability to meet intricate technical requirements, past performance, and manufacturing and quality assurance capabilities. The agency encourages innovation beyond the specified features, and the procurement follows a "Best Value" methodology, with cost being a secondary consideration.

    Key dates include question submission by May 30th, proposal submission by July 19th, and an estimated award date of October 29th. Vendors must provide detailed technical and business proposals and are strongly advised to contact the designated Contracts Specialist for clarification.

    Automated vendor payments are preferred, with vendors authorizing ACH credit entries to their accounts. Foreign vendors should be aware of tax exemption forms required by the IRS.

    This opportunity seeks to acquire a sophisticated laser system, a key element enabling cutting-edge research at the national laboratory. Vendors must showcase their capabilities and experience to be considered for this challenging and complex procurement.

    Point(s) of Contact
    The primary objective of this procurement is to acquire a transient photoelectron and cathodoluminescence spectrometer (TPCS) instrument for a government laboratory. This complex instrument, centered around a high-speed laser system, aims to enable time-resolved characterization of photoelectrons and light emission from samples. The laser system, a key component, must have a high repetition rate (200 kHz to 1 MHz) and produce both pump and probe pulses. The pump pulses should be tunable across a wide spectrum, while the probe pulses require adjustable pulsewidth and energy. Three modes of operation are envisioned for the probe pulses, enabling flexible experimentation. This laser system must fit within a specified space and adhere to safety regulations. With a focus on performance, the specifications detail stringent requirements for pulsewidth, repetition rate, and stability, ensuring advanced time-resolved measurements. The contractor will play a crucial role in integrating and installing the various components, including managing cabling and piping, to ensure a fully functional TPCS instrument. Critical dates and evaluation criteria were not explicitly provided, but the complex nature of the procurement suggests a detailed evaluation process and a potentially lengthy implementation period.
    The U.S. Department of Energy, through Brookhaven Science Associates (BSA), issues a request for proposal (RFP) for the development and delivery of a specialized Transient Photoelectron and Cathodoluminescence Spectrometer (TPCS) - Laser System. This complex optical instrumentation is destined for the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne National Laboratory. The RFP seeks a system comprising three laser sub-components for exciting and probing sample materials. Vendors are invited to bid for the design and manufacture of this combined laser system, with an emphasis on their technical capabilities and past experience. The scope of work requires vendors to provide all necessary materials, equipment, and expertise to deliver the specialized laser system. This includes a femtosecond laser operating near 1.20 eV, laser harmonic generators, and a pulse width adjustment component. The system should be capable of selective excitation of transitions in various samples. BSA envisions a fixed-price contract and has established a rigorous evaluation process. Proposals are due by June 17, 2024, with an estimated award date of September 3, 2024. Offerors are encouraged to provide detailed technical proposals showcasing their ability to meet the intricate requirements of this challenging procurement.
    The U.S. Department of Energy, through Brookhaven Science Associates (BSA), seeks proposals for a critical subcomponent of an advanced scientific instrument, the Transient Photoelectron and Cathodoluminescence Spectrometer (TPCS). This RFP pertains specifically to the Laser System, a complex optical apparatus capable of producing precise laser pulses for the spectrometer. The system comprises three specialized laser sub-components: a femtosecond laser, laser harmonic generators, and a pulse width adjustment mechanism. BSA requires a fully integrated laser system, with the potential for spectral tuning and the ability to excite specific transitions in samples. Vendors must demonstrate their technical prowess and past experience in developing bespoke laser solutions, with a focus on stability, reliability, and adherence to stringent specifications. The procurement process follows a "Best Value" methodology, with a competitive range determination and potential discussions with shortlisted vendors. Technical capabilities, past performance, manufacturing prowess, and quality assurance are paramount in the evaluation, each with designated point scores. Price, although significant, is secondary to the technical merits. Vendors must submit detailed technical and business proposals, including pricing, adhering to the provided draft contract terms. Key dates include question submission by May 30th, proposal submission by July 19th, and an estimated award date of October 29th. Offerors should contact the designated Contracts Specialist for clarity and adhere strictly to the RFP's organized proposal structure.
    The U.S. Department of Energy, through Brookhaven Science Associates (BSA), seeks proposals for a critical subcomponent of a larger instrument, the Transient Photoelectron and Cathodoluminescence Spectrometer (TPCS) - Laser System. This system comprises three specialized laser sub-components: a femtosecond laser, laser harmonic generators, and a pulse width adjustment module. The RFP invites vendors to bid on the design and supply of this combined laser system, essential for a spectrometer destined for the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne National Laboratory. The successful bidder will provide the specified laser technology, with capabilities including wavelength tunability and ultraviolet probe pulse generation. BSA requires detailed technical proposals outlining how bidders will meet these specifications. Evaluation criteria weigh technical merit heavily, with performance requirements, prior experience, manufacturing capabilities, and quality assurance as key factors. Price is also a significant consideration in the "Best Value" procurement. Bidders must submit two separate volumes: a technical proposal and a business/price proposal, including pricing details and corporate profiles. Key dates include question submission by May 30, 2024, proposal submission by July 19, 2024, and an estimated award date of October 29, 2024. BSA reserves the right to clarify or negotiate aspects of the proposals ahead of award. Vendors must register in the System for Award Management database, with a focus on achieving responsiveness and technical competence.
    The government seeks advanced laser components for a Transient Photoelectron Cathodoluminescence Spectrometer (TPCS) to be installed at the Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) in Argonne National Laboratory. The procurement primarily involves three specialized laser sub-systems: a femtosecond laser, laser harmonic generators, and a pulse width adjustment component. These components, working in harmony, will produce both "pump" and "probe" pulses for cutting-edge nanoscale research. Vendors capable of delivering the entire integrated laser system are preferred. The laser system must meet meticulous technical standards, with flexibility in spectral tuning and pulse control for precise sample excitation. Vendors are expected to adhere to stringent quality assurance protocols, including ISO 9001 certification and special processes for critical operations. The work entails close collaboration and approval from BSA representatives, with defined "witness" points for oversight during manufacturing. Deliverables include a detailed program plan, regular progress reports, and various inspection and testing plans, leading up to the final system delivery and acceptance testing. Key dates include milestone submissions and a projected 61-week contract period. Evaluation criteria were not explicitly mentioned.
    The primary objective of this procurement is to acquire a specialized laser system, a key component of a more extensive scientific instrument called the Transient Photoelectron and Cathodoluminescence Spectrometer (TPCS). The TPCS will be installed at the Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) within Argonne National Laboratory. The laser system consists of three integrated parts: an amplified femtosecond laser, a pulsewidth adjustment mechanism, and a harmonic generator with a vacuum beamline. The laser's role is to produce precise train pulses for optical excitation and ionization of samples. The femtosecond laser must operate at a repetition rate of 300 kHz or higher, with a pulse width of 240 fs or less and a central photon energy near 1.2 eV. The system should allow for adjustable pulse widths and reduced repetition rates while maintaining pulse energy and stability. Optical parametric generation will enable tunable pump photon energies from 0.1 to 4.8 eV. Harmonic generation will produce high-energy photons (20 eV or more) for ionizing samples, with a preferred option delivering 31 eV photons. The procurement also requires a mechanism to adjust pulse widths to balance time resolution and energy resolution, ensuring minimal realignment is needed for different pulse configurations. A vacuum beamline will direct the laser to a spectrometer chamber, enabling precise steering and focusing of the beam. The entire laser system must fit within a specified space of 1.5m by 4m. Safety features are essential, with interlocks and shuttling systems to manage laser hazards. The supplier will need to detail electrical power requirements and provide protection for the system's components during shipment and storage. Brookhaven National Laboratory's quality assurance requirements must be adhered to, including calibration of testing equipment and procedures for handling counterfeit parts. Key dates include the submission of a manufacturing/inspection/test plan within 60 days of securing the contract, with installation and testing milestones spanning the contract's 61-week period of performance. Evaluation of proposals will consider technical merit, with particular emphasis on the laser system's performance, quality, and delivery timelines. Cost will also be a deciding factor.
    The government agency seeks a sophisticated Transient Photoelectron and Cathodoluminescence Spectrometer (TPCS) - Laser System, a specialized piece of scientific equipment. The primary objective is to procure a cutting-edge laser system with precise specifications, ensuring compliance with technical requirements. This system includes an amplified femtosecond laser, harmonic generation capabilities, and a vacuum beamline, with a specific focus on compactness. Offerors will be evaluated based on their ability to design, manufacture, and deliver this complex system, with key assessment criteria including technical expertise, past performance, manufacturing capabilities, and quality assurance. The agency seeks assurance of the manufacturer's proficiency and a comprehensive understanding of the project's unique demands. The RFP outlines a detailed evaluation process, awarding points for various sections. Offerors must provide a clear compliance matrix and elaborate on performance requirements. The agency encourages enhancements beyond the specified features, indicating flexibility in the design. The evaluation criteria emphasize the importance of a robust warranty, experienced personnel, and a reliable service network. This procurement process appears thorough and selective, aiming to award a contract to a competent manufacturer that can deliver a bespoke laser system according to exacting standards. The agency expects submissions to be technically robust and well-structured, with clear demonstrations of capacity and commitment.
    The government agency seeks to procure a specialized Transient Photoelectron and Cathodoluminescence Spectrometer (TPCS) - Laser System, outlining detailed evaluation criteria for selecting the most suitable vendor. The primary objective is to acquire a highly specific laser system with amplified femtosecond capabilities, emphasizing the system's design, manufacture, testing, and delivery. Offerors are expected to provide a comprehensive conceptual design, demonstrating compliance with technical specifications and past performance in producing comparable laser systems. The evaluation heavily weighs the system's performance requirements, including amplified femtosecond output, pulsewidth adjustment, harmonic generation, and vacuum beamline features. Key personnel qualifications and manufacturing capabilities are crucial evaluation factors. The agency seeks assurance of a robust quality management system and clear manufacturing plans. The requested laser system's footprint must fit within a specified space while accommodating essential components. Tabulated evaluation criteria break down the procurement's key aspects, with each tab focusing on specific details. Vendors will be assessed on their ability to meet technical demands, with bonus points for enhanced performance. The agency encourages innovative solutions, emphasizing that the criteria outline a minimum requirement. Although contract details and timelines are mentioned, the focus is on the laser system's procurement. Eligible vendors must submit proposals by the specified deadline, with the agency prioritizing technical merit and experience in this complex procurement process.
    The Brookhaven National Laboratory, managed by Brookhaven Science Associates, seeks proposals for a Transient Photoelectron and Cathodoluminescense Spectrometer (TPCS) Laser System. The primary objective is to acquire a cutting-edge spectrometer system, with vendors competing on the pricing of their proposals. The system's key components include a laser, sample stage, spectrometer, and associated electronics and software. Vendors must propose a program plan, manufacturing timeline, and installation strategy, with milestones including factory acceptance testing, system delivery, and on-site commissioning. The contract is expected to be firm-fixed-price, with a total estimated value of around $[TBD]. Critical dates include submission deadlines for proposals and expected system delivery. Evaluation of proposals will be based on the price and technical merit, with the latter focusing on the system's performance, quality, and vendor's expertise.
    The U.S. Department of Energy, through its contract with Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC, seeks to procure efficient means for automated vendor payments. The primary objective is to authorize ACH credit entries and corrections to vendor accounts. This method is efficient, secure, and environmentally friendly, replacing traditional paper checks. Vendors interested in this payment option must provide their account information and authorize Brookhaven National Laboratory/Brookhaven Science Associates to initiate these transactions. This form collects essential banking details, including financial institution names, account numbers, and routing information, along with vendor details such as names, tax IDs, and authorized representative signatures. Until written notification is provided, this authorization remains in effect, streamlining payments and enhancing the convenience of vendors doing business with the Department of Energy and its affiliates.
    The Form W-9 serves as a Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification. It's used to provide critical taxpayer information, such as SSN or EIN, to entities required to file information returns with the IRS. These returns include various forms like 1099-INT (interest earned) and 1099-MISC (various income types). Completing this form is crucial to avoid backup withholding, which applies a 24% tax to certain payments. Notably, this form is only for U.S. persons, including resident aliens, who must certify the correctness of their TIN and claim any relevant exemptions. Foreign persons should use different forms (W-8 or 8233). The W-9 also collects address and certification details, ensuring the IRS has up-to-date information for sending out information returns. Additionally, it clarifies the tax status of various entities, such as partnerships or trusts, and provides guidelines for entering correct TINs. Overall, the W-9 is a critical component of the IRS's information collection process, ensuring the accurate reporting of financial activities and preventing backup withholding penalties.
    The provided file contains a certificate form, specifically the Department of the Treasury's Internal Revenue Service Form W-8. This form, titled "Certificate of Foreign Status," is used by foreign persons to attest to their nonresident status and exempt themselves from certain U.S. tax reporting requirements and backup withholding rules. It certifies that they are not U.S. citizens or residents and provides their permanent and current mailing addresses, along with optional account information. This form is crucial for foreign individuals, partnerships, corporations, or trusts receiving payments subject to reporting, such as interest, dividends, or royalties. Significantly, it empowers them to avoid the 20% backup withholding of payments, instead subjecting them to lower treaty rates. The W-8 form must be signed by the foreign person and submitted to the relevant withholding agent, who is typically responsible for paying the income in question. These agents are obliged to retain the form for at least four years. Notably, the form also carries a caution that it does not exempt payees from the standard 30% withholding rate.
    The primary objective of this RFP is to procure an advanced TPCS spectrometer system with customized specifications. The spectrometer is designed for ultrafast laser experiments, employing various spectral modes and pulse durations. The key components include probe optics, an optical table, and control software. Spectral modes such as Mode A (20 to 31eV), Mode B (6eV), and Mode C (4.8eV) require specific pulse energies and durations, with Mode A targeting a minimum of 10^4 photons per pulse. The system should allow for easy realignment and offer stability over extended periods. Estimated turnaround times between experimental configurations are preferred to be within 4 hours to 1-2 days. A key requirement is the ability to maintain a stable beam focus, with pulse energies and durations adjustable over specific ranges. The optical setup will need to accommodate a 50-micron pump spot diameter, and the contractor should provide suggestions for system performance optimizations. The control software must be user-friendly, preferably with a GUI, and integration into an existing framework is desirable. This RFP seeks a spectrometer that is highly customizable, with detailed specifications provided for the design and implementation of the system, indicating a firm-fixed-price contract. Respondents should provide a comprehensive proposal with a focus on system design, stability, and functionality.
    The clarification provided in this exchange pertains to a laser system being procured by ANL (presumably Argonne National Laboratory). The initial question seeks to confirm whether the laser must be built on independent breadboards, and the response clarifies that the current specification will be updated to reflect the true intention. While the exact nature of the laser and its intended use remain unclear, the response indicates that the procurement's technical specifications are being refined. This information is invaluable for potential vendors considering submitting proposals, as it impacts the physical setup and likely the expertise required to fulfill the contract.
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