Presolicitation Notice: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, is planning to procure Laundry Services for the NIH Clinical Center, Family Lodge, and The Children's Inn. The service is typically used for cleaning and sanitizing soiled linen, including sheets, towels, pillow cases, blankets, bed spreads, OR scrubs, lab coats, patient pajamas, bed pads, robes, wash cloths, mops, rags, and other linen. The scope of the service includes transportation, cleaning, sanitizing, pressing, folding, bundling, hanger-racking lab coats, loading, and returning linen in acceptable, cleaned condition. The estimated quantities of soiled linen per year are approximately 1,300,000 pounds for the Clinical Center, 39,600 pounds for The Children's Inn, and 22,000 pounds for Safra Lodge. The period of performance is from August 16, 2024, to August 15, 2025. The total dollar value of this purchase order shall not exceed $750,000.00. Interested concerns capable of providing the same services may submit a capability statement for evaluation.