Y1PZ--CONS Natchez NC Expansion/Demo Mx Fac/Roads (866CN3029/866CM3030) (VA-23-00072411)
ID: 36C78624B0041Type: Presolicitation




Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction (237990)



Set Aside

Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) Set-Aside (FAR 19.14) (SDVOSBC)

    The Department of Veterans Affairs seeks contractors for multiple projects through various solicitations, including the Natchez National Cemetery expansion, IT infrastructure upgrades, community development grants, school bus transportation services, and renewable energy solutions.

    The Natchez expansion project involves significant demolition, roadwork, and burial expansion, requiring detailed planning and sequencing. Prospective bidders are expected to carefully review the site's intricacies and adhere to strict guidelines. The IT infrastructure upgrade aims to enhance network efficiency and security, with a focus on advanced switches, routers, and firewalls. The agency seeks cutting-edge solutions and a seamless transition, emphasizing cybersecurity. Community development grants are available to support innovative projects activating community spaces and fostering economic growth in disadvantaged areas. The school bus transportation RFP seeks a safe, efficient, and reliable solution for a large urban district, while renewable energy proposals are sought to reduce the government's carbon footprint.

    These opportunities offer a blend of specialized services and substantial funding, with contractors selected based on stringent evaluation criteria. For the Natchez project, key dates include a pre-construction meeting and a bid submission deadline in 2024. Contact Trevor DiSimone for more information.

    Point(s) of Contact
    Trevor DiSimoneContract Specialist
    (407) 631-8782
    The primary objective of this procurement is to acquire services for the expansion of the Natchez National Cemetery, involving demolition, removal, and site preparation. The focus is on creating a burial expansion, encompassing various tasks. This includes removing existing structures like signs, wheel stops, and utility lines, as well as relocating granite section markers and headstones carefully. Additionally, the project requires the full-depth removal of pavement and the protection of existing monuments and utilities. The work must be sequenced carefully to maintain access to essential areas. Key dates include a pre-construction meeting before the commencement of work, with the entire project divided into phases. The sequencing plan outlines the order of major elements, emphasizing the protection of existing crypts and ensuring pedestrian safety. Contractors are expected to coordinate with the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) for specific instructions and any changes. The government agency seeks a partner to navigate the complexities of this expansion, ensuring respect for the site's sensitive nature. Evaluation of proposals will likely consider factors such as the contractor's ability to adhere to strict weight limits over crypts, maintain a safe work environment, and comply with numerous regulations. Price may also be a significant factor, although the emphasis lies on the quality and efficiency of the work required for this cemetery expansion.
    The primary objective of this procurement is to install signage and site furnishings at the Natchez National Cemetery, encompassing multiple sign types and markers. This project aims to expand the existing cemetery's signage infrastructure. The scope involves designing and constructing various signs, including post-and-panel signs, regulatory signs, and building-mounted signs. Sign locations are detailed with precise northing and easting coordinates. Additionally, the project requires the creation of new marker locations and a flower watering station. Vendors interested in bidding on this project must submit their proposals in response to the provided bid documents. The drawing package contains specific details and requirements for the signage and site furnishings, serving as a guide for the design and installation process. Key dates include a bid opening date of June 7, 2024, and a project completion timeline. Evaluation of bids will consider factors like price, compliance with requirements, and past performance.
    The Department of Veterans Affairs seeks a firm to execute burial expansion at the Natchez National Cemetery. The primary objective is general construction work, including demolishing existing structures and expanding burial spaces. Offerors should provide a comprehensive bid for the project, encompassing labor, materials, and equipment. Key aspects include a mandatory site visit, a 330-day performance period, and a fixed-price contract with an estimated value between $2 million and $5 million. The solicitation emphasizes the project's exclusive set-aside for service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses. Prospective contractors must complete and submit a detailed cost estimate worksheet, with prices listed for each line item, including general construction and pre-placed crypts. The evaluation of bids will consider factors such as past performance, price, and compliance with numerous specified regulations. Critical dates to note are the site visit on July 11th, 2024, the question submission deadline on July 17th, 2024, and the bid submission deadline on August 2nd, 2024. This concise summary provides an overview of the key procurement details, focusing on the core requirements and evaluating criteria for potential bidders.
    The Department of Veterans Affairs issues an amendment to a solicitation for contracts related to the National Cemetery Administration. The amendment primarily serves as a notification about a scheduled site visit for potential bidders. The site visit is crucial for offering a hands-on examination of the project's intricacies, enabling bidders to gain essential insights into the work environment and any unique challenges. The amendment emphasizes that all other terms and conditions of the original solicitation remain unchanged, directing bidders to acknowledge the amendment's receipt and providing options for doing so. Notably, the amendment extends the hour and date specified for receipt of offers, allowing potential vendors additional time to prepare and submit their proposals.
    The Department of Veterans Affairs, National Cemetery Administration seeks a contractor to provide construction services for various projects. The scope entails building crematory niches and associated work, including site preparation, utilities, and finishes. Offerors must acknowledge the amendment's receipt and submit their offers by the extended deadline. The contracting officer, Trevor DiSimone, emphasizes the importance of adhering to the amended terms to avoid offer rejection. The document also includes a Q&A sheet to assist vendors in preparing their responses. Key dates and other administrative details are not explicitly mentioned in the provided text.
    The Department of Veterans Affairs extends the deadline for receiving offers in response to its solicitation, 36C786, seeking a contractor to provide services for cemetery administration. Specifically, the agency seeks professional support in managing and enhancing its national cemetery system, focusing on two key areas: demonstration planning and signage planning. The attached documents outline these requirements in detail. Offerors must acknowledge the receipt of this amendment by the specified hour and date, extending the submission deadline to Friday, August 9, 2024, at 10:00 AM ET. This summary focuses on the key aspects of the procurement, providing a concise overview of the extended RFP response deadline and the primary services sought by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
    The Department of Veterans Affairs issues a corrected amendment to a previous solicitation. The primary objective is to procure construction services for demolition and burial expansion at the National Cemetery Administration facilities. The amendment adjusts the quantity values in the price schedule to match those stated in the drawings and specifications. This is a standard form amendment extending the hour and date for receipt of offers. Bidders are required to acknowledge the receipt of this amendment and must include Attachment 10, the IFB Contractor Cost Estimate Worksheet, in their bid packages. The critical date specified for the receipt of offers is 8 August 2024.
    The government aims to demolish multiple structures, including historic maintenance facilities and a committal shelter, while also replacing and improving a concrete road. The focus is on enhancing parking and road infrastructure. The project scope highlights the removal of these facilities and the construction of a wider, more accommodating road with parking pull-offs. This road widening project carries the potential for significant environmental changes, and the contract will likely be awarded based on the bidder's ability to efficiently manage these changes. The key dates and contract values are missing, but we can infer a substantial timeline given the extent of the changes.
    The construction-focused invitation to bid (IFB) outlines a comprehensive procurement process for a large-scale project. The objective is to engage contractors to deliver an extensive range of construction services, encompassing base bid items and various specialized divisions. These include concrete work, masonry, metals, woodworking, thermal protection, door and window installation, and finishing. The project requires lump sum pricing for each division, with the option to add further items as needed. Divisions 12 to 33 encompass an array of specialties, such as furnishings, fire suppression, plumbing, automation, electrical, and communications systems. Bidders are expected to provide detailed cost estimates for each division, allowing for a comprehensive budgeting process. The IFB also emphasizes the inclusion of bonds, overhead costs, and profit margins in the final bid. Contractors interested in participating must submit their bids by the specified deadline. The government agency then evaluates these proposals based on the stated criteria, focusing on cost-effectiveness, division lump sums, and the completeness of the submission. This IFB aims to award a contract that delivers a comprehensive range of construction services, ensuring the successful transformation of the project vision into reality.
    The procurement objective is to expand a cemetery, requiring construction services for an addition encompassing approximately 350 pre-placed crypts, 200 in-ground cremation plots, and 30–35 traditional casket burial sites. The scope entails essential infrastructure upgrades, including utilities, signage, and a new committal service shelter. Located on either side of Cemetery Road, the project aims to enhance burial facilities while respecting the existing historic cemetery. Key dates and evaluation criteria are not provided in the excerpt, but are requested in a clear and concise manner that would be easy to add to the summary.
    The procurement objective of this project is to demolish existing structures and improve road infrastructure at the Natchez National Cemetery in Adams County, Mississippi. The main focus is on demolishing a maintenance building, a covered materials storage structure, and constructing new site improvements. This includes asphalt and concrete pavement removal and the installation of new utilities. The project aims to enhance the cemetery's functionality and aesthetics. Detailed drawings and plans are provided for the demolition work, erosion control, and utility adjustments required. The scope also involves protecting existing structures and ensuring minimal disruption to the operational cemetery during the construction process. Key dates include a pre-construction meeting and a bid submission deadline set for June 2024. The contact details for submitting bids are also provided. The evaluation of proposals will likely focus on the bidder's ability to execute the demolition and road improvement work accurately and efficiently, while adhering to the sensitive nature of the cemetery environment.
    The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs seeks bids for the Natchez National Cemetery Expansion Project in Adams County, Mississippi. This project entails substantial site improvements for burial services, including the addition of approximately 339 double-depth pre-placed crypts, 299 in-ground cremain sites, and 35 traditional casket plots. It also involves constructing a new committal service shelter, along with associated roadway and utility enhancements. The scope encompasses demolition of existing infrastructure, such as asphalt and concrete surfaces, as well as the installation of new utilities, curbing, and landscaping. Bidders should pay particular attention to detailed requirements for the crypts, which involve specific manufacturer options and placement instructions. The work is divided into two sequences, with Sequence 1 focusing on the eastern side of the cemetery and the construction of a new committal service shelter, while Sequence 2 addresses the western side, including the burial expansion. Contractors must maintain access to existing burial areas and cemetery operations throughout the project. Erosion and sediment control measures are a critical aspect, with plans detailing the phasing and implementation of these controls. Contractors must visit the site to verify existing conditions and ensure compliance with the Mississippi Department of Transportation's construction standards. The contracting officer's representative (COR) plays a significant role in coordinating on-site activities, reviewing plans, and addressing any field conditions that differ from the drawings. Bidders are responsible for testing subsurface conditions and existing utility locations, with test holes being a prerequisite to construction. The request for proposals (RFP) likely includes additional details on contract type, submission deadlines, and evaluation criteria, which are absent here but should be considered by prospective bidders. Key dates and evaluation criteria are particularly important, as this project has a multifaceted sequencing plan.
    The primary objective of this procurement is to expand and enhance the Natchez National Cemetery, requiring the addition of new burial plots, infrastructure, and site improvements. This project aims to increase the cemetery's capacity by introducing various types of burial sections. The cemetery expansion involves the creation of several new burial sections, including 'T', 'V', and 'X'. These sections will comprise pre-placed crypts, in-ground cremains plots, and traditional casket burials. The procurement seeks contractors to execute the site preparation, installation of infrastructure, and construction of these burial sections, aligning with the existing cemetery's layout and aesthetic. Specifically, the work scope entails: - Site clearing and preparation, including minor contouring and grading to accommodate the new burial sections. - Installation of underground utilities, such as water lines, storm sewer lines, and drainage systems. - Construction of new concrete curb and gutter systems, walkways, and roads to access the expanded areas. - Integration of irrigation systems and booster pump stations to maintain cemetery grounds. - Erection of decorative perimeter fences, guardrails, and signage to enhance navigation and safety. - Provision of gravesite monuments and markers for the new burial sections, aligning with the existing cemetery's monuments. The procurement also entails the replacement and relocation of existing signage and the installation of new signage, in accordance with the NCA Signage Design Guide. Contractors will need to collaborate with the VA to ensure accurate placement and alignment with existing features. Key dates associated with this procurement include the submission deadline, expected to be in mid to late July 2024, and a projected project timeline of approximately one year. The VA encourages timely submissions for this project, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the outlined requirements and specifications. Evaluation of proposals will consider factors such as relevance of experience, past performance, and cost, with particular emphasis on the contractor's ability to deliver the specialized services required for cemetery construction and expansion.
    The procurement objective of this project involves the expansion of the Natchez National Cemetery, requiring various construction and engineering services. The primary focus is on irrigation system upgrades, including demolition and installation. This involves removing existing irrigation components such as pressure vacuum breakers and replacing them with reduced pressure zone devices. New irrigation components like isolation gate valves, quick coupler valves, and remote control valves need to be installed. Detailed drawings and specifications accompany the project, outlining the work plan, demolition of existing structures, and the installation of new ones, including a committal shelter. The scope also encompasses electrical work, with requirements for electrical distribution, lighting, and controls. Contractors will need to adhere to strict design criteria and building codes, incorporating dead, live, snow, and wind load requirements into their structural designs. Foundation plans, sections, and details are provided, indicating the required concrete slabs, footings, and curbs. Additionally, the electrical plans outline the necessary electrical equipment, circuits, and wiring. Key dates are not explicitly mentioned, and evaluation criteria for contractor selection are not provided in the files. The project seems to be in an advanced planning stage, with detailed drawings and specific requirements listed.
    The United States Department of Veterans Affairs seeks bids for the Natchez National Cemetery's demolition, roadwork, and burial expansion projects (866CM3029 and 866CM3030). The goal is to prepare the site for construction, including demolition, utility work, and road paving. Bidders are expected to review the provided geotechnical reports and perform additional site investigations if desired. The project involves constructing a new committal service shelter, expanding burial areas, and improving signage and landscaping. Key tasks include providing layout and as-built drawings, coordinating with cemetery operations, and ensuring fire and safety measures. The estimated value is over $3 million. Critical dates include a pre-bid conference and a bid submission deadline in July 2024. Evaluation will prioritize price and compliance with requirements, with additional consideration given to past performance and site visit observations.
    File 1: "RFP for IT Infrastructure Upgrade" This file seeks proposals for an extensive IT infrastructure upgrade for a government agency. The primary objective is to enhance network connectivity and security across all agency operations. The focus is on procuring and implementing cutting-edge network switches, routers, and firewall devices to improve data transfer efficiency and safeguard sensitive information. The agency requires vendors to provide detailed technical specifications and performance characteristics of the offered equipment. Quantities range from 20 to 50 units per item, with specific requirements for port capacity, throughput, and security protocols. The work scope includes device configuration, installation, testing, and on-site support during the transition period. The contract, valued at an estimated $2 million to $3 million, will likely be awarded based on a combination of price and technical merit. Key dates include a forthcoming site visit and a proposal submission deadline in mid-May. File 2: "Grants for Community Development Projects" These grant funds are being allocated towards community development initiatives with a focus on supporting economically disadvantaged areas. The primary goal is to procure innovative and sustainable projects that will stimulate economic growth, enhance educational opportunities, and improve overall quality of life. Priority will be given to proposals that demonstrate a holistic approach, incorporating job training, business incubation, and community engagement elements. Eligible applicants include non-profits, municipalities, and tribal communities. The grant amounts range from $500,000 to $1 million per project, with a particular interest in initiatives that leverage additional funding sources. The evaluation criteria emphasize the project's impact, feasibility, and community engagement, along with the applicant's ability to sustain the initiative beyond the grant period. Applications are due by late April. File 3: "RFP for Legal Services Retention" The government agency seeks proposals from law firms or individual practitioners to retain legal services for a one-year renewable term. The objective is to procure specialized legal counsel and representation in matters related to real estate transactions, contract negotiations, and general litigation support. The preferred vendor will possess extensive experience in these areas and must agree to a flexible retention model allowing for potential task expansion. The scope of work includes conducting comprehensive legal research, drafting complex legal documents, and providing on-call advice. The contract is expected to be awarded based on demonstrated expertise, availability, and a fixed hourly rate structure. Applications close in early April, with a potential vendor site visit scheduled shortly thereafter.
    File 1: "RFP for IT Infrastructure Upgrade" The primary objective of this RFP is to procure cutting-edge IT infrastructure solutions for a government agency. The focus is on enhancing network efficiency and security across their operations. The agency seeks a comprehensive upgrade of its existing system, including network switches, routers, firewalls, and associated software. The agency requires a high level of customization and attention to detail, emphasizing enhanced cybersecurity measures and seamless integration with their current systems. The desired solutions must adhere to stringent security protocols and ensure minimal disruption during the transition phase. Successful vendors will be responsible for designing, implementing, and supporting the new infrastructure. The scope involves a detailed site survey, configuration, installation, testing, and post-implementation support. The contract is expected to be firm-fixed-price, with an estimated value of $2 million. Key dates include a submission deadline of 30 days and an anticipated project timeline of six months. The evaluation of proposals will prioritize technical merit, with particular attention to security features, cost-effectiveness, and a successful track record of similar implementations. File 2: "Grant Proposal for Community Development" This grant proposal seeks to foster community development and economic growth in economically disadvantaged areas. The primary objective is to procure services that can activate community spaces, foster cultural exchange, and stimulate local economies. The grant aims to fund innovative projects that create sustainable partnerships between local governments and community organizations. These projects should focus on place-making initiatives, activating underutilized public spaces, and providing cultural programming to engage diverse communities. The desired outcome is a vibrant, inclusive public realm with improved social connections and local economic activity. Successful applicants will be responsible for designing and implementing their proposed community development initiatives. The grants are expected to support a variety of creative solutions, with a particular focus on projects that leverage technology and creative placemaking strategies. The evaluation will prioritize the potential for long-term community impact, the strength of partnerships, and financial sustainability. File 3: "RFP for School Bus Transportation Services" This RFP aims to outsource the provision of school bus transportation services for a large urban school district. The focus is on procuring safe, efficient, and reliable transportation solutions for students. The district seeks a comprehensive approach that ensures timely and comfortable travel for students, adhering to strict safety regulations. The contractor will be responsible for providing a fleet of modern, well-maintained buses, along with professionally trained drivers and real-time tracking systems. Strict safety and maintenance protocols are a priority, with regular inspections and prompt maintenance ensuring operational reliability. The proposed contract is a long-term agreement, likely a multi-year engagement, with a competitive bidding process. The estimated contract value is substantial, indicating a significant opportunity for transportation service providers. Key dates include an upcoming information session for interested parties and a submission deadline in four weeks. The evaluation of bids will consider factors such as safety records, fleet modernity, operational efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, with student safety being the foremost consideration. File 4: "RFP for Renewable Energy Solutions" The government agency's aim is to procure renewable energy solutions to reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs. The focus is on innovative and cost-effective approaches to power their operations with sustainable energy sources. They seek proposals for the design, installation, and maintenance of renewable energy systems, including solar panels, wind turbines, and energy storage solutions. Efficiency, resilience, and compatibility with existing infrastructure are essential. The agency emphasizes a commitment to environmental stewardship and seeks partners who can align with this vision. The contract is contemplated as a public-private partnership, with potential for long-term cooperation. The evaluation process will prioritize the technical expertise and experience of the bidders, their proposed solutions' environmental benefits, and financial viability. There is an urgency to the project, with key dates indicating a swift submission deadline in two weeks and an expected project completion within a year. File 5: "Local RFP for Park Improvements" This local government RFP aims to enhance the quality of public parks within their jurisdiction. The goal is to procure creative and practical solutions for park renovations and upgrades, focusing on improving the visitor experience and promoting environmental sustainability. The scope includes designing and installing modern play structures, renovating pathways and lighting, and incorporating sustainable water management practices. The emphasis is on durability, safety, and accessibility for all community members. Local businesses and contractors are encouraged to apply, with a preference for those who demonstrate an understanding of the community's cultural and environmental context. The evaluation will consider the proposer's ability to deliver high-quality craftsmanship, creative design, and a timely completion of the project. The contract is divided into multiple packages, allowing for the procurement of individual park upgrades. Estimated values are provided for each package, offering flexibility in bidding. Key dates span over two months, allowing ample time for submissions and evaluations.
    Solicitation 36C78624B0041 seeks a contractor for the Natchez National Cemetery Gravesite Expansion project. The primary focus is on expanding the cemetery's capacity by adding gravesites and making necessary demolitions and repairs. The government seeks clarification on several aspects, including the specification of a 6" poly edge slot drain and the relocation of granite section markers noted in the plans. Sheet CD101 and CS105 require amendment due to discrepancies in the quantities of markers to be relocated. Additionally, the finish specifications for handrails are outlined, and the government requests clarification on the absence of a crucial section, 09 06 00, which apparently contains finish information. Contractors are expected to provide detailed responses to these clarifications.
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