Defense Experimentation Using the Commercial Space Internet
ID: FA8650-17-S-9300Type: Presolicitation





    Presolicitation DEPT OF DEFENSE DEPT OF THE AIR FORCE is seeking a service for Defense Experimentation Using the Commercial Space Internet. This service is typically used for strategic development planning and experimentation. The Air Force Strategic Development Planning & Experimentation Office (SDPE) will be hosting an Industry Day to discuss this opportunity.

    Point(s) of Contact
    Doug McCrearyContracting Officer
    The Amendment 01 for the Open Two-Step Advanced Research Announcement (ARA) titled "Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet" (DEUCSI) was issued by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) on January 14, 2022, with a total program cost estimated at $500 million. The solicitation invites white papers until August 15, 2023, followed by proposals from selected offerors, focusing on enhancing military communication through commercial space internet technologies. This effort aims to explore "path agnostic communications" to facilitate rapid, secure data sharing across diverse military operations.
    The Open Two-Step Advanced Research Announcement (ARA) Amendment 02, issued by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), calls for white papers regarding the Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet (DEUCSI) program, with submissions accepted from February 1, 2018, until August 15, 2023. The program's objectives include establishing seamless communication and data-sharing capabilities across military operations, exploring commercial space internet technologies, and developing communication networks that are path agnostic. With an estimated program cost of $500 million, the announcement encourages both large and small businesses to submit proposals, focusing on innovative approaches to enhancing national defense capabilities.
    The Open Two-Step Advanced Research Announcement (ARA) Amendment 03, issued by the Air Force Research Laboratory, solicits white papers for the "Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet" program, open until 15 August 2027. The program aims to establish and experiment with seamless data communication across military operations via commercial space internet, enabling "path agnostic communications." Multiple awards are anticipated, with a total estimated program cost of $1.44 billion and varying award amounts, focusing on enhancing military communication capabilities through innovative commercial technologies.
    The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is issuing an amendment (Amendment 04) to the Open Two-Step Advanced Research Announcement (ARA) for the Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet (DEUCSI) program, effective until December 2027. This program aims to establish and experiment with high-bandwidth, efficient data communications capabilities among military assets through commercial space internet solutions, focusing on achieving "path agnostic communications." White papers must be submitted by August 15, 2027, with specific requirements for both the technical and cost proposal stages outlined in the document.
    The Advanced Research Announcement (ARA) titled "Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet" is issued by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), inviting future proposals that will not be accepted until specific Calls for Proposals are released, which will occur until December 15, 2023. The program, with an estimated total value of $500 million, aims to facilitate high-bandwidth, beyond-line-of-sight communication capabilities across Air Force assets through a phased experimentation approach, encompassing connectivity establishment, operational experimentation, and special-purpose needs. Offerors must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) and comply with export control regulations, while the proposal process will adhere to detailed submission and evaluation criteria outlined in the announcement.
    The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is issuing an Advanced Research Announcement (ARA) for the Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet (DEUCSI) program, which aims to enhance multi-domain military operations through effective data sharing and communication. This ARA will remain open until December 15, 2023, without current requests for proposals, but will invite calls for proposals in the future that will specify requirements, proposal submission dates, and funding potential up to $500 million. The program will be executed in phases, establishing connectivity, conducting operational experimentation, and addressing military-specific communication needs through commercial space internet.
    The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has issued an Advanced Research Announcement (ARA) titled "Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet" effective from October 16, 2023, that invites future Calls for Proposals, though no proposals are being accepted at this moment. The ARA aims to explore high-bandwidth, beyond-line-of-sight communications for military operations and remains open until December 15, 2027, with an estimated program cost of $1.44 billion. Offerors must register with the System for Award Management (SAM) and comply with various regulations, including export controls and safety requirements as specified in future Calls.
    The Advanced Research Announcement (ARA) titled "Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet" (DEUCSI) is currently open but does not request proposals, aiming to establish multi-domain communication capabilities for military operations. The ARA will be open until December 15, 2027, allowing for calls for proposals that will be issued periodically, with an estimated program cost of $1.44 billion and potential awards ranging from $50,000 to $50 million. Interested parties should monitor for specific requirements in forthcoming Calls for Proposals and ensure compliance with SAM registration and export control regulations.
    The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has announced an Advanced Research Announcement (ARA) for the Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet (DEUCSI), which will remain open until December 15, 2027; while it does not request proposals currently, it will issue Calls for Proposals in the future. The program aims to develop capabilities for seamless data movement in multi-domain operations through high-bandwidth communications, with planned experiments occurring in three distinct phases: establishing connectivity, operational experimentation, and special purpose experimentation. A total program value of $1.44 billion is anticipated, with multiple awards potentially ranging from $50,000 to $50 million.
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    The SECURITY PROGRAM QUESTIONNAIRE is designed to assess the security protocols of institutions receiving research funding, focusing on physical security, information protection, and personnel safeguarding. It includes queries regarding the storage, transmission, and disposal of information, as well as measures for cybersecurity and insider threat management. The responses are intended for review by the S&T Protection Lead to ensure compliance with security standards.
    The Air Force Research Laboratory is soliciting proposals to enhance multi-band and multi-orbit communication capabilities using commercial space internet for military applications. Proposals are accepted from January 31, 2022, to December 15, 2023, with an anticipated award of 2-5 contracts, each valued between $1-40 million. The government seeks innovative solutions that allow switching between various commercial space internet constellations using common user terminal hardware in militarily relevant environments, ensuring affordability and operational flexibility.
    The Air Force Research Laboratory has issued a Call (003) for proposals related to secure multi-band and multi-orbit communication experiments leveraging commercial space internet (CSI) capabilities, with submissions accepted from January 31, 2022, to December 15, 2023. The objective is to enhance military communications through rapid switching and simultaneous access to multiple CSI constellations using common terminal hardware, focusing on use cases including Arctic and airborne communications to improve operational flexibility and robustness. Proposals addressing one or both use cases are welcome, with anticipated funding for selected projects ranging from $1-40 million, and experimental implementation expected over a period of approximately 15-33 months.
    The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is seeking proposals for multi-band, directional satellite communication antennas capable of interfacing with various commercial space internet constellations on military aircraft. Submissions are due by March 15, 2024, with an anticipated award date in May 2024, and proposals should include a minimum of six antennas for testing in military-relevant environments. Two primary use cases are outlined: antennas for low-volume, specialized aircraft with strict electromagnetic compatibility requirements, and low-size, weight, and power (SWAP) antennas suitable for high-volume fleets.
    Amendment 1 to the Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet (DEUCSI) ARA clarifies contractor eligibility criteria for participation, stating that only 'Qualified U.S. Contractors' are eligible as defined by DoDD 5230.25. The amendment does not implement any other changes to the original announcement. For certification details, refer to the DoDD 5230.25 and the Joint Certification Program.
    Amendment 2 to Call 002 modifies sections of the Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet (DEUCSI) Advanced Research Announcement (ARA) by revising details regarding anticipated awards, objectives, government property, and funding constraints while keeping other aspects unchanged. The Air Force Research Laboratory seeks proposals for experiments enabling communications via multiple commercial space internet providers, with a focus on hardware flexibility across various military platforms, and proposals are due between January 28, 2019, and October 31, 2021. The government plans to award 2-10 contracts valued between $0.5 million and $7 million, with emphasis on innovative approaches that allow for adaptable and scalable solutions across different use cases including aircraft, ground vehicles, and naval vessels.
    Amendment 1 to Call 001 for the Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet (DEUCSI) has been issued by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to extend the proposal due date from December 1, 2017, to December 15, 2017, at 4:00 PM Dayton, OH local time. Contracting contacts are Mr. Michael Wafzig and Mr. Joel Watson for inquiries.
    Amendment 2 to Call 001 modifies the proposal submission period for the Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet program, extending it from December 15, 2017, to January 31, 2018. This change aims to address industry concerns regarding proposal dates and support the successful development and launch of commercial spacecraft, while all other sections of Call 001 remain unchanged. Evaluations of submitted proposals will begin upon receipt, with notifications expected about 30 days after submission.
    The document details a proposal for the Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet (DEUCSI) initiative, which aims to establish connectivity between Air Force assets and commercial space internet spacecraft by measuring performance metrics such as data transfer rate and latency. The solicitation includes provisions for government-furnished equipment, estimated funding of approximately $2 million per award, and outlines the proposal submission process and evaluation criteria. Offerors must note that all export-controlled information is subject to regulations and foreign participation is restricted.
    The amendment to Call 002 of the Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet program details changes to sections such as anticipated awards and technical objectives, emphasizing the need for flexibility in utilizing multiple commercial space internet providers for military platforms. Proposals are sought to establish high-data rate communications compatible with different operational environments, covering a range of use cases from aircraft to ground vehicles and naval vessels, with a focus on affordability and effective integration. The submission period for proposals extends from January 28, 2019, to October 31, 2021, with project durations estimated between 12 to 30 months.
    The Call for proposals aims to establish flexible communication between Air Force platforms and multiple commercial space internet (CSI) providers using adaptable hardware interfaces, with two main use cases focusing on standard and specially constrained aircraft. Proposals, due between January 28, 2019, and October 31, 2021, seek to facilitate affordability, versatility, and performance in integrating CSI technologies, with awards estimated at $0.5-7M each for 2-4 agreements. Offerors are encouraged to propose innovative approaches, as well as engage with technical contacts before submission, while ensuring compliance with operational security and export control regulations.
    The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is announcing the initial Advanced Research Announcement (ARA) titled "Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet" (DEUCSI), which aims to solicit proposals for research on high-bandwidth, beyond-line-of-sight communications to enhance military operations. While this ARA is currently not requesting proposals, it will open for submissions through future "Calls for Proposals" until September 1, 2022, with an estimated total program value of $250 million. The program is structured in three phases: establishing connectivity, operational experimentation, and special purpose experimentation, focusing on military-unique communication requirements.
    The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is soliciting white papers for the "Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet" program, with an overall budget of approximately $250 million and details specified in an open Two-Step Advanced Research Announcement (ARA) effective from February 1, 2018, to September 1, 2022. The solicitation process includes a white paper submission by September 1, 2022, followed by invitation for proposals from selected authors, focusing on establishing "path agnostic communications" to enhance military communications through commercial space internet capabilities. Eligible offerors of all sizes are encouraged to participate, and technical and cost proposals will be evaluated on their relevance, soundness, and affordability, with no commitment on funding assured until a contract is negotiated.
    The Department of the Air Force is hosting an Industry Day on August 25, 2017, to discuss the $250 million program "Defense Experimentation Using the Commercial Space Internet" at the Tec^Edge Innovation Center in Dayton, OH. Attendance is limited to U.S. contractors with a valid DD Form 2345, and an ITAR-restricted information package will be available upon request for eligible companies. Key contacts for the event are Michael Wafzig and Joel Watson, both contracting officers at Wright-Patterson AFB.
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