Solicitation No.: 72012124R00013 for U.S. Personal Services Contractor (USPSC), Relief and Development Coherence Advisor, GS-14, USAID/Ukraine
The AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT is seeking a U.S. Personal Services Contractor (USPSC) for the position of Relief and Development Coherence Advisor. This advisor will be responsible for continuously monitoring the situation in Ukraine as it relates to the nexus between humanitarian assistance, early recovery, and long-term development. The advisor will represent USAID at coordination meetings, workshops, and presentations with USG and international partners, providing continuous reporting on activities, approaches, and plans. The main focus of the advisor's work will be on mitigating the impacts of Russia's Aggression. Additionally, the advisor will serve as USAID/Ukraine's civilian-military coordinator and the main point of contact on veteran's affairs. The advisor will also be responsible for teaching and coaching other Mission staff on their areas of expertise.