The Department of Homeland Security, specifically the US Coast Guard, has issued a Combined Synopsis/Solicitation notice for the procurement of Joshua Appleby DD FY24 GFE Strainers. These strainers fall under the category of Miscellaneous Ship and Marine Equipment (PSC code 2090). The place of performance for this procurement is Saint Petersburg, FL (zip code 33701), in the United States. The primary contact for this procurement is Kyler Fisk, who can be reached at KYLER.C.FISK@USCG.MIL or 949-288-1271. The secondary contact is Jeramyah George, who can be reached at JERAMYAH.W.GEORGE@USCG.MIL or 510-437-5436. The description of the procurement is specified as "see sow," indicating that the details can be found in the Statement of Work.