Special Notice DEPT OF DEFENSE Army Network Capability Set 25 Technical Exchange Meeting 7: The U.S. Army Network Cross-Functional Team (N-CFT) and the Program Executive Office for Command, Control and Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T) will host Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM) 7 on Thursday, December 2, in Nashville, TN. This meeting will focus on Capability Set 25 development efforts and highlight aspects of Soldier and operational feedback to date. The Army aims to achieve transport agnostic and data-centric capability set efforts that offer security architecture approaches and standards for interoperability, accessibility, and identity management. The event will cover topics such as Infantry, SFAC, MDTF, Stryker and Armor formation user feedback, experimentation strategy forecast, standards implementation, command post modernization, and network operations modernization. The meeting will be conducted as a hybrid event, allowing participants to choose between in-person or virtual attendance. In-person registration deadline is October 29, 2021, and virtual registration deadline is November 15, 2021.