Tactical Micro-grid Standard Add-on for Power Sources
ID: A244-021Type: BOTH


Tactical Micro-grid Standard Add-on for Power Sources


Department of DefenseN/A


Type: SBIRPhase: BOTHYear: 2024

    The Department of Defense (DOD) is seeking proposals for the topic "Tactical Micro-grid Standard Add-on for Power Sources" as part of their SBIR 24.4 Annual solicitation. The goal of this research is to address the need for reliable and flexible power solutions in dynamic and unpredictable environments, including directed energy. The objective is to enable the seamless integration of diverse power sources, such as renewable energy, generators, and storage systems, into a cohesive network. This would create resilient, self-sustaining power infrastructure capable of providing uninterrupted energy supply, enhancing operational efficiency, and reducing reliance on vulnerable external grids. The solicitation is open for Phase I proposals with a budget of up to $250,000 for a 6-month period of performance. Phase I involves analyzing the current state of power infrastructure, conceptualizing the design, and developing a feasibility study. Phase II will focus on building a fully functional prototype. The potential applications of this technology include urban and critical infrastructure, remote/rural communities, electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, and data centers. The implementation of the Tactical Micro-grid Standard has the potential to establish a modular, efficient, and more effective smart power microgrid.

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