Photonics-Based Optical Frequency Shifter in the Near-Infrared (NIR)
ID: N242-100Type: BOTH


Photonics-Based Optical Frequency Shifter in the Near-Infrared (NIR)


Department of DefenseN/A


Type: SBIRPhase: BOTHYear: 2024
  1. 1
    Release Apr 17, 2024 12:00 AM
  2. 2
    Open May 15, 2024 12:00 AM
  3. 3
    Next Submission Due Jun 12, 2024 12:00 AM
  4. 4
    Close Jun 12, 2024 12:00 AM

The Department of Defense (DOD) is seeking proposals for the development of a Photonics-Based Optical Frequency Shifter in the Near-Infrared (NIR). This technology is intended to shift the frequency of NIR light in a waveguide while suppressing undesirable sidebands. The goal is to develop a high-quality frequency shifter that is compatible with on-chip photonics integration. The technology will be used in atomic accelerometers and clocks, which are important for advanced inertial navigation and timing systems. The SBIR topic focuses on the design and materials study in Phase I, followed by the fabrication, testing, and delivery of three prototypes in Phase II. The technology has potential applications in military/strategic quantum sensing, as well as hyperspectral imagers and near-infrared spectrometers for environmental monitoring, biomedical imaging, and film/coating characterization. The project duration is not specified, but interested parties should submit their proposals by June 12, 2024. More information can be found on the website or the DOD SBIR/STTR Opportunities page.

No associated files provided.
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