Solar Terrestrial
ID: 275145Type: Posted


National Science Foundation (NSF)

Eligible Applicants


Funding Category

Science and Technology and other Research and Development

Funding Instrument


Opportunity Category


Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement

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    Forecast Posted Not available
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    Forecast Due Not available
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    Posted Mar 13, 2015 12:00 AM
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    Due Not available

The National Science Foundation is offering a grant for research on the processes by which energy from the Sun is generated, transported to the Earth, and deposited in the terrestrial environment. This grant supports studies on various topics including space weather impacts, helioseismology, solar flares, solar wind heating, and interactions with cosmic rays. The grant does not require cost sharing or matching and is open to all applicants. For more information, visit the NSF Program Description PD-98-1523 at Proposals for this grant are accepted anytime.

Point(s) of Contact
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