EMERGING FRONTIERS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (EFRI): Biocomputing through EnGINeering Organoid Intelligence (BEGIN OI)
ID: 351015Type: Posted


National Science Foundation (NSF)

Eligible Applicants


Funding Category

Science and Technology and other Research and Development

Funding Instrument


Opportunity Category


Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement

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    Forecast Posted Not available
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    Forecast Due Not available
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    Posted Nov 16, 2023 12:00 AM
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    Due Dec 12, 2024 12:00 AM

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has posted a grant opportunity titled "EMERGING FRONTIERS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (EFRI): Biocomputing through EnGINeering Organoid Intelligence (BEGIN OI)". This grant aims to support foundational and transformative research in the design, engineering, and fabrication of organoid systems that can process information dynamically while interfacing with non-living systems. The grant is open to non-profit, non-academic organizations, as well as institutions of higher education. The NSF is looking for proposals with potentially transformative ideas that can significantly advance engineering knowledge and have a long-term impact on national needs or grand challenges. The total program funding is estimated to be $30,000,000. For more information and to submit a proposal, interested parties can visit the NSF Publication 24-508 website.

Point(s) of Contact
No associated files provided.
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