The document is a Biological Opinion and Informal Consultation by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding the proposed Air Force Station and Microwave Antenna Site on Kaua‘i, primarily focusing on the potential impact on endangered seabird species: the Newell’s shearwater, Hawaiian petrel, and band-rumped storm petrel. It outlines the consultation history and provides a description of the action, including the operational needs of the Air Force station, conservation measures to protect listed species, and the analytical framework for assessing jeopardy to these species.
Key conservation measures include implementing a seasonal blackout period to reduce light pollution, on-site seabird monitoring, predator control, and funding to support seabird rehabilitation by the Save Our Shearwaters (SOS) program. The action area encompasses critical habitats where interactions between the proposed operations and species occur.
The document emphasizes collaboration between the USAF and conservation agencies to minimize adverse effects on wildlife. It outlines the past consultations, adjustments in lighting infrastructure, and plans for thorough monitoring during the seabird breeding season. This initiative demonstrates federal efforts to balance military operations with environmental protection, ensuring compliance with conservation regulations while maintaining mission readiness.
The document pertains to Funding Opportunity Announcement Number W911KB-24-2-0004, specifically addressing inquiries from the industry regarding the availability of the USFWS Biological Opinion 01EPIF00-2016-F-0497. The government confirmed that the requested documentation is accessible, directing interested parties to the file titled “2023 INRMP Tab 10 - Biological Opinion 01EPIF00-2016-F-0497.” Furthermore, it is noted that the government will cease responding to additional questions after 12:00 pm (AKDT) on 7 August 2024. This announcement is part of the process related to federal grants and RFPs, indicating a structured communication channel between the government and industry participants to ensure clarity and compliance with environmental regulations relevant to the funding opportunity.