The Department of Defense, specifically the Department of the Navy, has issued a Combined Synopsis/Solicitation notice for a Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Basic and Applied Research. The Naval Research Laboratory is seeking innovative proposals that have the potential to advance and improve in the technical topic areas listed. This BAA allows for the competitive selection of research proposals, with the government reserving the right to award all, some, or none of the proposals received. Contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and other transactions may be awarded if appropriate. The NRL encourages educational institutions, small businesses, small disadvantaged business concerns, historically black colleges and universities, and minority institutions to submit proposals. Prospective offerors are required to submit a White Paper with a rough cost estimate before being invited to submit a Formal Proposal. The selection of proposals for award will be based on a scientific review of the technical approach, as well as business and contractual aspects. The potential benefits to the government will be weighed against the cost of the proposals. The complete BAA, including proposal preparation instructions, award considerations, and evaluation criteria, can be found at the provided link.