Special Notice DEPT OF DEFENSE DEPT OF THE ARMY: MVD Levee Requirements for FY24
This special notice provides the most current information regarding anticipated levee work requirements within the Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) in the Memphis, Vicksburg, and New Orleans Districts during fiscal year 2024. The work primarily involves the construction and repair of earthen levee embankments, seepage berm and cut-off construction, installation of relief wells, and flood wall construction. The work will be performed along the Mississippi River levee system within the geographic bounds of the Mississippi Valley Division.
The services required include clearing and grubbing, placing geotextile material, compacting earthen fill, moisture and density control, construction of seepage cut-off features, installation of groundwater relief wells, soil boring data analysis, well screen placement, grouting groundwater wells, drainage provision, turf grass establishment, crushed stone access roadways and ramps construction, and miscellaneous reinforced concrete work.
For the Memphis District, contact Acting Small Business Professional Sherrie Cordi at (901) 544-4146 or email Sherrie.Cordi@usace.army.mil. For the Vicksburg District, contact Small Business Professional Demetric Erwin at (601) 631-5951 or email SBO-MVK@usace.army.mil. For the New Orleans District, contact Small Business Professional David Willis at (504) 862-2627 or email David.Willis@usace.army.mil.
Please note that all project information is subject to change as designs are refined and impacts are quantified.