Sources Sought DEPT OF DEFENSE Sale of Reusable Sodium Nitrate and Steel Drums: The Department of the Army is seeking buyers for the sale of reusable sodium nitrate and steel drums. The sodium nitrate and steel drums are used for the rapid destruction of materials such as paper, film, photo, or cryptographic devices. Each drum weighs 275 lbs. and has a height of 35" and diameter of 23". The sodium nitrate acts as the primary oxidizer to support combustion and consume materials placed inside the drum. The sodium nitrate is classified as an oxidizer but also has potential uses in commercial and agricultural industries. The current inventory includes 2,133 M814 Document Destroyers and 735 M605 Document Destroyers, totaling 2,868 each. The approximate total amount of sodium nitrate is 544,920 lbs. Interested parties can schedule a visit to the Anniston Munitions Center between July 2024 and December 2024. For more information, contact Mr. Jason Bass at 256-240-3540 or Mr. Taylor Clopton at 256-235-4309.