Presolicitation DEPT OF DEFENSE DEPT OF THE ARMY is seeking a contractor for the Mississippi River, Baton Rouge to Gulf of Mexico, Southwest Pass Maintenance Cutterhead Dredge Contract No. 2-2023. This contract is for the construction of dredging facilities and involves the maintenance dredging of the Mississippi River from Mile 6.0 AHP to Mile 19.5 BH. The contractor will be responsible for providing a fully crewed and equipped cutterhead dredge with a dredge discharge size of 30 inches or greater inside diameter. The work will be performed in the New Orleans District, specifically in the Mississippi River Southwest Pass Area. The estimated construction range for this project is between $10,000,000.00 and $25,000,000.00. The solicitation documents will be posted on, and interested vendors are encouraged to register on Offerors must be registered with the System for Award Management (SAM) to be eligible for a government contract award. For more information, contact Bianca Gaddison at 504-862-2163 or, or Katherine Younts at 504-862-2803 or