The Rock Island District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers seeks to procure construction services for mooring cells at two sites along the Mississippi River: Saverton, MO (Site 22), and Meyer, IL (Site 20). These locations require the design and installation of new downstream mooring cells as part of the Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program.
Site 20, Meyer, IL, is the focus of detailed drawings and specifications. The work involves constructing a new downstream mooring cell, including riprap, bedding stone, and armor protection. The plans encompass civil works, such as survey control points, boring locations, and scour protection details. Additionally, structural and mechanical aspects are outlined, including cell orientation, lighting details, and staging and fleet access plans. The site plans and elevations are provided, based on specific technical requirements, such as horizontal and vertical datums.
For Site 22, Saverton, MO, fewer details are available but include general notes and a plan set index. This location also requires a new mooring cell with associated civil and structural work.
The solicitation period is mentioned but not explicitly defined, and contract details are limited to the mention of Contract No. W912EK24B0017, a firm-fixed-price agreement with an estimated value not specified. Key dates and evaluation criteria for the procurement process are not explicitly stated but should be provided in separate documents.
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, seeks bids for the Mississippi River Basin Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program. It involves construction work at Lock and Dam 20 and Lock and Dam 22, including mobilization/demobilization, mechanical dredging, sheet pile driving, mooring cell construction, concrete pouring, and stone/rip rap installation. Bidders are required to submit a bid guarantee and provide representations and certifications. The solicitation period ends on September 6, 2024, with work to commence within 15 days of contract award and completion targeted within 770 consecutive calendar days. The estimated cost range is between $5 million and $10 million. Evaluations will consider factors like minority and female employment, price, and compliance with regulations.
The document outlines the bid results for the Southern Mooring Cells project under the Mississippi River Basin's Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program (Contract W912EK-24-B-0017). The bid, processed virtually on September 13, 2024, includes submissions from five contractors. Dubuque Barge and Fleeting Service Company submitted the lowest bid at $7,623,812, followed closely by Togiak Management Services LLC at $7,636,191.40. The government estimate for the project was $7,116,993.
Additional bids came from Pontiac Drywall Systems Inc. at $7,747,546, American Mine Services LLC at $7,820,439.62, and BCI Construction USA Inc. at $14,224,743.36. The summary emphasizes competitive bidding for federal projects, showcasing the financial commitment of participating contractors, and highlighting the government's efforts to ensure effective management and sustainability of the Mississippi River Basin ecosystem. This bid summary is pivotal for awarding contracts in compliance with federal procurement regulations while aiming to enhance navigation and ecosystem projects in the region.
The document serves as Amendment 0001 for Solicitation W912EK24B0017, issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The primary purpose of this amendment is to update the Schedule of Prices, Specifications, and Wage Determinations pertaining to a construction project in the Missouri area while extending the solicitation closing date from September 6, 2024, to September 12, 2024.
Key modifications include the replacement of multiple project sections with revised documents dated September 3, 2024, and a detailed schedule of construction items and corresponding unit prices. Additionally, the amendment outlines instructions for electronic bid submissions, acknowledging receipt protocols, and clarifications on wage determinations under the Davis-Bacon Act, which mandates minimum wage rates for contract workers.
The document emphasizes the importance of timely bids and provides resources for further inquiries, highlighting compliance with federal contracting regulations. Overall, the amendment ensures clarity and updated compliance information for prospective bidders, reflecting the government's commitment to efficient procurement processes and adherence to legislative guidelines.