The National Institutes of Health (NIH) intends to negotiate a sole source contract for the installation of 18 new 2nd Boom Arms for a Tandem Boom system at the Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. This procurement aims to replace existing respiratory boom systems in the ICU suite, which have been deemed inadequate by users, and is necessitated by delays related to COVID-19 that prevent a change order on the original purchase order. The project involves the deinstallation and reinstallation of medical gas, electrical, and telecommunication lines, along with the recertification of gas lines to ensure the functionality and safety of the new equipment. Interested parties may submit capability statements by 4:00 PM EST on September 18, 2024, to Lu Chang at, as this is not a request for proposal and the statutory authority for this sole source requirement is based on the unique nature of the equipment and services provided by KR Wolfe Inc. and Hillrom/Baxter.