Software Solutions: Bridging the Gap between Public Health and Pharmacies


Software Solutions: Bridging the Gap between Public Health and Pharmacies


Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health


Type: SBIRPhase: BOTHYear: 2023
  1. 1
    Release Aug 25, 2023 12:00 AM
  2. 2
    Open Aug 25, 2023 12:00 AM
  3. 3
    Next Submission Due Nov 14, 2023 12:00 AM
  4. 4
    Close Nov 14, 2023 12:00 AM

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are seeking proposals for software solutions that bridge the gap between public health and pharmacies. The goal is to enable collaborative care communication, case and disease management, and reporting between health departments and pharmacy practices. The software should allow for real-time detection capabilities, treatment documentation, and the ability to send test results between pharmacists and health departments. Phase I SBIR proposals will be accepted, with a budget of up to $243,500 for up to 6 months. Phase II proposals may receive up to $1,972,828 in funding and have a duration of up to 2 years. The deadline for proposals is November 14, 2023.

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