Portable Special Trackwork Measurement System
ID: 24-FR1Type: Phase I


Portable Special Trackwork Measurement System


Department of TransportationN/A


Type: SBIRPhase: Phase IYear: 2024
  1. 1
    Release Feb 8, 2024 12:00 AM
  2. 2
    Open Feb 8, 2024 12:00 AM
  3. 3
    Next Submission Due Mar 7, 2024 12:00 AM
  4. 4
    Close Mar 7, 2024 12:00 AM

The Department of Transportation is seeking proposals for a Phase I SBIR project titled "Portable Special Trackwork Measurement System". The project aims to develop a portable measurement system for special trackwork, which refers to the complex components of railroad tracks such as switches and crossings. The system will enable accurate and efficient measurement of these components, improving maintenance and safety in the railroad industry. The project duration is not specified, but interested applicants should refer to the solicitation agency's website for more information. The funding specifics are also not provided in the document. The solicitation was released on February 8, 2024, and the application due date was March 7, 2024. For more details, interested parties can visit the SBIR topic link at https://www.sbir.gov/node/2486591 or the solicitation agency's website at https://www.volpe.dot.gov/work-with-us/small-business-innovation-research.

No associated files provided.
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