ID: 353612Type: Posted


Geological Survey (DOI-USGS1)

Award Range

$0 - $310K

Eligible Applicants


Funding Category

Natural Resources

Funding Instrument


Opportunity Category


Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement


Additional Information

  1. 1
    Forecast Posted Not available
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    Forecast Due Not available
  3. 3
    Posted Apr 18, 2024 12:00 AM
  4. 4
    Due May 30, 2024 12:00 AM

The Geological Survey has posted a federal grant opportunity titled "WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH ACT PROGRAM NATIONAL COMPETITIVE GRANTS FY2024 (104g General)". This grant is in the category of Natural Resources and falls under the funding instrument type of Grant. The grant requires cost sharing or matching. The opportunity is discretionary and falls under CFDA number 15.805.

The grant is available only to Water Resources Research Institutes established under the provisions of section 104 of the Water Resources Research Act. These institutes are listed at http://water.usgs.gov/wrri/index.php. However, any investigator at an institution of higher learning in the United States is eligible to apply for an award through a Water Resources Research Institute. The application, along with the full proposal and necessary forms, must be submitted through grants.gov by the university at which the Institute is located. Proposals requesting matching funds from an Institute are authorized at the discretion of the Institute Director.

The Water Resources Research Act Program, administered by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), provides program grants to Institutes established under the provisions of section 104(a) of the Act. There are 54 Institutes established in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The responsibility for the administration of this program has been delegated to the USGS.

The grant has an award ceiling of $310,000 and no award floor. The estimated total program funding is $1,860,000. The close date for applications is May 30, 2024, and the archive date is July 30, 2024. For more information and to apply, visit the following link: https://water.usgs.gov/wrri/.

Applications, including the full proposal, must be submitted to grants.gov by the State Water Resources Research Institute prior to the 5:00 PM Eastern Time, May 30, 2024 closing date. Proposals must be submitted as a complete application package (full proposal, SF-424 and SF-424B, matching commitment letter, budget breakdown, budget justification, and budget summary) to grants.gov by the university that houses the Institute. Principal Investigators (PIs) must coordinate with their respective Institutes prior to submission to allow time for the Institute to meet the deadlines of this program announcement.

For any further inquiries, you can contact Sara Roser at sroser@usgs.gov.

Point(s) of Contact
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