2024-2026 English Access Microscholarship Program
ID: 351645Type: Posted


U.S. Mission to Cameroon (DOS-CMR)

Award Range

$30K - $40K

Eligible Applicants


Funding Category


Funding Instrument

Cooperative Agreement

Opportunity Category


Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement

  1. 1
    Forecast Posted Not available
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    Forecast Due Not available
  3. 3
    Posted Dec 29, 2023 12:00 AM
  4. 4
    Due Jan 30, 2024 12:00 AM

The U.S. Mission to Cameroon has posted a federal grant opportunity titled "2024-2026 English Access Microscholarship Program". This program aims to provide English-language instruction to disadvantaged students in Cameroon, specifically in the priority cities of Ngaoundéré, Douala, Bafoussam, or Bertoua. The program targets talented 13- to 20-year-olds from urban, rural, and ethnic minority regions of Cameroon. It offers after-school classes and intensive summer sessions to improve English-language skills, promote American culture and democratic values, and enhance participants' ability to participate in their country's socioeconomic development. The program also includes professional development and English-language workshops for selected teachers and students. The grantee organization will be responsible for implementing a comprehensive program for a cohort of 30 Access students and 5 Access teachers, with a budget limit of $40,000. The program is expected to deliver a minimum of 360 hours of total instruction over a 2-year period. Eligible applicants include Cameroon-based registered non-profit organizations, non-profit language centers, community associations, civil society/non-governmental organizations, and non-profit or governmental educational institutions. The deadline for submission is January 30, 2024. For further information, interested parties can visit the following link: English Access Microscholarship Program.

Point(s) of Contact
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