F24AS00309 FY2024 Latin America Regional Program
ID: 353626Type: Posted


Fish and Wildlife Service (DOI-FWS)

Award Range

$100K - $200K

Eligible Applicants


Funding Category

Natural Resources

Funding Instrument


Opportunity Category


Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement

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    Forecast Posted Not available
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    Forecast Due Not available
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    Posted Apr 18, 2024 12:00 AM
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    Due Jun 4, 2024 12:00 AM

The Fish and Wildlife Service has posted a grant opportunity titled "FY2024 Latin America Regional Program" with the opportunity category of Discretionary. The grant is focused on the conservation of Latin America's priority species and their habitats. The program aims to reduce threats to key wildlife species and strengthen local capacity for long-term conservation impacts. The eligible applicants for this grant include multi-national secretariats, foreign governments, non-profits, non-governmental organizations, community and Indigenous organizations, and public and private institutions of higher education. Individuals are not eligible to apply. The grant will provide technical and financial assistance to partners working on projects that address threats such as unsustainable resource use, habitat loss, agricultural expansion, human-wildlife conflict, and climate change. The grant will support projects in the categories of Species Conservation and Conservation Stewardship. The total funding available for this program is $1,200,000, with each award not exceeding $200,000 over two years. The grant requires a letter of government endorsement and encourages transnational projects and consortia applications. The deadline for application submission is June 4, 2024. Projects must be implemented in or around natural protected areas, biological corridors, and recovery units in Mexico (Yucatan peninsula and Lacandon jungle), Central America (Guatemala and Honduras), and South America (Gran Chaco and Andes-Amazon). For more information and to apply, visit grants.gov.

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