The U.S. Geological Survey is offering a cooperative agreement opportunity for a partner affiliated with the Alaska Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) to conduct research on the interactions between zoonotic and wildlife pathogens, microbiome, and environmental stressors in Alaska seabirds. The project aims to utilize shotgun metatranscriptomic and other omics analyses to evaluate seabird microbiota interactions and to perform field-based and laboratory studies on the effects of environmental factors on seabird health and physiology. This research is critical for understanding the health dynamics of seabirds in relation to environmental changes and pathogen interactions. Interested applicants must be participating partners of the Alaska CESU Program, with funding available up to $100,000, and applications are due by 5:00 p.m. ET on March 12, 2024. For further inquiries, contact Faith Graves at