Central Asia Judicial Merit-Based Selection of Judges
ID: 354764Type: Posted


Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement (DOS-INL)

Award Range

$480K - $480K

Eligible Applicants

Nonprofits Without 501(c)(3) Status

Funding Category

Law, Justice and Legal Services

Funding Instrument


Opportunity Category


Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement


    The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement is inviting applications for the "Central Asia Judicial Merit-Based Selection of Judges" grant, aimed at establishing regional standards for judicial independence in Central Asia through merit-based selection systems for judges. This initiative seeks to enhance the rule of law and improve judicial processes in the region, which is critical for fostering democratic governance and legal integrity. The grant offers a total funding amount of $480,000, with a single award anticipated, and applications must be submitted by August 7, 2024. For further inquiries, interested organizations can contact Kyle Ojima at ojimakt@state.gov, and additional details can be found at the provided MyGrants link.

    Point(s) of Contact
    No information provided.
    The document outlines a project aimed at improving the response to sexual violence in COUNTRY X through the establishment of Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs). Scheduled from January 15, 2023, to January 31, 2025, the project involves several strategic objectives, including enhancing mechanisms for responding to sexual assault, training multidisciplinary teams, and encouraging reporting of sexual violence cases. Key activities entail organizing training sessions, workshops, and awareness campaigns designed to promote best practices and combat stereotypes surrounding sexual violence. Indicators of success will include improvements in the knowledge and skills of professionals, the availability of trained personnel, and increased reporting of assault cases through a national helpline. The overarching goal is to ensure victims have improved access to justice and support, aligning with international standards and best practices in sexual violence response. This initiative reflects a broader commitment to social justice and the protection of vulnerable populations through enhanced coordination among various stakeholders.
    The document outlines the Budget Narrative Template for a government grant proposal, detailing the management and financial aspects of a project. It is structured into several sections, including personnel, fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contractual agreements, construction, and indirect costs. Key personnel, such as the Project Manager and Finance Manager, are identified with their respective salary allocations based on their level of effort. Fringe benefits are calculated based on a specified rate for both DC-based and overseas staff. Travel expenses are delineated, including airfare and lodging costs for personnel traveling internationally. Equipment purchases, such as a machine and laptops, along with workshop materials, are categorized with specific budget allocations. Contractual commitments, such as subgrants with local NGOs, are also detailed with associated costs. The total direct costs for the project are outlined as $50,000, with additional indirect costs calculated at a negotiated rate of 35%, bringing total project costs to $65,750. This summary serves to provide a comprehensive financial overview of the proposed project, identifying all major budgetary components in adherence with government grant requirements.
    The document outlines a budget proposal framework for a federal grant application, detailing the financial requirements for a project managed by an unnamed organization. It includes line-item budgets covering personnel, fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contractual agreements, construction, and other direct costs. Each category is further subdivided to specify US-based personnel and field personnel along with associated costs, although all amounts currently show zero, indicating that the figures will be auto-filled from a detailed budget template. Additionally, it addresses indirect costs such as overhead and general administrative expenses based on prior negotiated rates. The total costs include federal funds requested, cost-sharing by the applicant, and the cumulative project cost. This structured format reflects requirements common in federal RFPs and grants, ensuring clarity and adherence to financial guidelines necessary for funding approval.
    This government document outlines a framework for developing performance indicators related to various goals and objectives within federal and state projects. The key focus is on ensuring that all new projects include at least one valid outcome indicator aligned with specific goals, allowing for effective monitoring and evaluation of project performance. The document emphasizes the importance of clearly defining terms and data collection methodologies, as well as the need for disaggregation by categories such as gender and geographic location to enhance the analysis. Additionally, it discusses the criteria for valid indicators—accuracy, reliability, usefulness, timeliness, measurability, and appropriate disaggregation—underlining the significance of these metrics in assessing the effectiveness of initiatives. It also contains guidance on design, common mistakes in goal formulation, and solutions to enhance indicator clarity and validity. The overall aim is to improve project outcomes, ensuring government initiatives effectively address targeted issues through well-defined and monitored indicators.
    The INL Applicant Pre-Award Risk Survey is a comprehensive questionnaire designed for organizations applying for federal grants or contracts. It assesses various organizational aspects, including legal status, internal controls, accounting systems, budgetary controls, audits, sub-recipient monitoring, consultant usage, purchasing, personnel policies, and travel policies. The survey requires detailed information about the organization’s incorporation, tax status, governance, employee structure, funding sources, and financial accountability. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining accurate records, having established policies, conducting regular audits, and ensuring proper management of grants and expenditures. The primary goal of this survey is to evaluate the applicant's capacity to manage federal funds responsibly and to identify any potential risks associated with funding the organization. The thorough nature of the survey highlights significant compliance measures and the necessity for accountability in federal funding processes, ensuring that organizations have the requisite internal controls and practices to successfully execute government grants and contracts.
    The INL Change Map Template for FY23 serves as a framework for linking project goals, objectives, and activities with appropriate monitoring indicators. It emphasizes documenting the intended changes that projects aim to achieve and provides instructions for filling out essential project information. The template necessitates a strategic alignment section, detailing how projects correspond with broader strategic goals like the Functional Bureau Strategy (FBS) and the Integrated Country Strategy (ICS). Key elements include defining goals, objectives, sub-objectives, and activities, alongside their respective indicators, aimed at efficiently tracking project progress. It underscores the importance of clarity and specificity in articulating expected changes and impacts, ensuring that the definition of terms is consistent to avoid ambiguity. The document highlights the role of INL staff in oversight while engaging implementing partners in drafting and refining the Change Map. The overarching goal is to prioritize measurable outcomes that reflect actual changes on the ground, thereby facilitating effective use of resources and accountability for government-funded projects. By following the outlined standards and definitions, projects are expected to demonstrate their effectiveness and relevance in addressing strategic objectives within international law enforcement and security contexts.
    The sample risk assessment focuses on establishing political think tanks in countries with restricted political environments. It identifies various risks such as civil society partners facing harassment, think tanks being pressured to cease operations, and new political shifts affecting stakeholder engagement. The document outlines the likelihood and potential impacts of these risks, assessing them as medium to high. Key mitigation strategies include: maintaining close communication with partners, providing security training, adjusting work plans in response to threats, and developing stakeholder assessments post-elections. Financial risks are also addressed, such as potential delays in fund transfers to local partners. To counteract this, alternative payment methods will be explored, and financial training provided to local advocacy organizations, which are assessed for their capacity before funding. Overall, the document aims to ensure the effective functioning of think tanks and civil society organizations despite operating in challenging conditions, thus supporting democratic development and advocacy initiatives amidst political restrictions.
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