FY2024 Sea Grant Programs Only - Regional Aquaculture Communications/Literacy Collaboratives
ID: 351498Type: Posted



Award Range

$375K - $750K

Eligible Applicants


Funding Category

Science and Technology and other Research and Development

Funding Instrument


Opportunity Category


Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement

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    Forecast Posted Not available
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    Forecast Due Not available
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    Posted Dec 14, 2023 12:00 AM
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    Due Apr 10, 2024 12:00 AM

The federal grant notice titled "FY2024 Sea Grant Programs Only - Regional Aquaculture Communications/Literacy Collaboratives" is being offered by the DOC NOAA - ERA Production agency. This grant opportunity falls under the category of Science and Technology and other Research and Development. The grant is a cost-sharing or matching requirement grant and is classified as discretionary. The CFDA number associated with this grant is 11.417.

The purpose of this grant is to support the development and expansion of aquaculture communications and literacy approaches applicable to specific regions and aquaculture operations. The grant aims to create four Regional Aquaculture Communications/Literacy Collaboratives, with each collaborative having up to $750,000 in funding available. The four regions where these collaboratives are sought to be established are West Coast/Alaska/Pacific, Southeast/GOM, Northeast/mid-Atlantic, and Great Lakes.

The National Sea Grant College Program, which is responsible for this grant, seeks proposals that will support collaborative efforts within each region to address aquaculture communications and literacy needs. The goal is to ensure that these efforts benefit the aquaculture community as well as seafood consumers and the general public. The grant aligns with Sea Grant's focus area of Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture (SFA) and the Sea Grant Network's 10-year Aquaculture Vision, both of which support NOAA and Department of Commerce aquaculture goals.

Eligible applicants for this grant opportunity include Sea Grant College Programs, Sea Grant Institutional Programs, Sea Grant Coherent Area Programs, the National Sea Grant Law Center, and the National Sea Grant Library. Sea Grant Programs are encouraged to partner with other entities such as individuals, State and Tribal Agencies/Organizations, HBCUs/MSIs, NGOs, aquaculture industry members and associations, universities, and colleges, including community colleges.

Federal agencies and their personnel are not permitted to receive federal funding under this competition. However, federal scientists and other employees can serve as uncompensated partners or co-Principal Investigators on applications. Federal labs and offices can also provide specialized expertise, facilities, or equipment to applicants but cannot be compensated under this competition for their use.

The grant has an award ceiling of $750,000 and an award floor of $375,000. The closing date for submitting applications is April 10, 2024. The grant description provides detailed information on the requirements for submitting to this grant opportunity.

For any questions about this competition, interested parties can contact Chuck Weirich or Mark Rath, National Sea Grant Office's aquaculture managers, at oar.hq.sg.aquaculture@noaa.gov. The National Sea Grant Office's mailing address is NOAA Sea Grant, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Overall, this federal grant notice aims to support the development of aquaculture communications and literacy approaches in specific regions, benefiting the aquaculture community, seafood consumers, and the general public.

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