FY24 U.S. Study Abroad Engagement
ID: 351074Type: Posted


U.S. Mission to Namibia (DOS-NAM)

Award Range

$15K - $15K

Eligible Applicants

Nonprofits Without 501(c)(3) Status

Funding Category


Funding Instrument


Opportunity Category


Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement

  1. 1
    Forecast Posted Not available
  2. 2
    Forecast Due Not available
  3. 3
    Posted Nov 21, 2023 12:00 AM
  4. 4
    Due Dec 22, 2023 12:00 AM

The U.S. Mission to Namibia has posted a grant opportunity titled "FY24 U.S. Study Abroad Engagement". This grant aims to enhance international academic partnerships and increase the number and diversity of U.S. undergraduate students participating in study abroad experiences. The goal is to build the capacity of foreign higher education institutions to develop partnerships with U.S. counterparts and host more U.S. study abroad students. The grant provides support for activities such as capacity-building or academic partnerships trainings, partnership and study abroad program development, and resource creation. Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status are eligible to apply. The grant has an award ceiling and floor of $15,000, with an estimated total program funding of $15,000. The closing date for applications is December 22, 2023. For more information and to apply, visit the U.S. Embassy website at https://na.usembassy.gov/education-culture/grant-programs/. For any inquiries, contact John Hausiku, the Professional Exchanges and Education Outreach Coordinator, at Tel: 264 61 444 9003 or WindhoekPublicDiplomacy@state.gov.

No associated files provided.
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