Solicitation for Upgrade of an existing chilled water plant at the Jacob K Javits Federal Building 26 Federal Plaza
ID: 47PC0324R0008Type: Solicitation




Commercial and Institutional Building Construction (236220)



    The General Services Administration (GSA) is soliciting proposals for the construction and upgrade of an existing chilled water plant at the Jacob K. Javits Federal Building in New York City. The project aims to enhance thermal comfort for the New York Field Office by improving the facility's cooling capabilities. This initiative is critical for maintaining operational efficiency within federal buildings, ensuring a comfortable environment for tenants and visitors. Interested contractors should note that the estimated project budget is between $30 million and $40 million, with proposals due by September 17, 2024. For further inquiries, contact Joseph Spado III at or 347-225-1193.

    Point(s) of Contact
    The GSA Solicitation No. 47PC0324R0008 is an invitation for proposals regarding the construction and upgrade of a chilled water plant at the Jacob K. Javits Federal Building, aimed at enhancing thermal comfort for its tenant, the New York Field Office. The project budget is estimated between $30 million and $40 million. A site visit is scheduled for July 23, 2024, and proposals must be submitted by August 20, 2024. Bidders must provide both financial and technical proposals, adhering to specified formats, and are required to submit performance and payment bonds. Key evaluation factors include the offeror's experience with similar projects, qualifications of key personnel, and a logistics plan for construction. The solicitation emphasizes the importance of small business participation in subcontracting and requires adherence to Project Labor Agreements, promoting inclusive workforce practices. The proposal process, including submission requirements and award criteria, is detailed throughout the document, mandating compliance with federal regulations and guidelines. This solicitation reflects the federal commitment to transparency, small business opportunities, and high-quality project delivery in government construction initiatives.
    The GC Bid Phase RFI Responses document addresses queries and clarifications related to the NYFO CHW Plant Upgrade project, impacting governmental contracting and construction efforts. The responses cover a range of technical and procedural issues, such as specifications for equipment, design drawings, site access, and safety protocols regarding hazardous materials like asbestos and lead. Notable points include the absence of required asbestos specifications, confirmation that permits are not necessary, and guidelines for ensuring the integrity of existing systems during upgrades. Additionally, the document outlines logistical considerations for equipment delivery and on-site assembly under the supervision of certified personnel. It emphasizes the need for compliance with federal standards, specifically regarding contractor responsibilities, subcontracting plans, and project labor agreements that encourage small business participation. The anticipated timeline for construction, materials procurement challenges, and the criticality of precise documentation further underscore the project's complexity. Overall, this document serves as a vital resource for bidders, ensuring they have the necessary information to prepare competitive and compliant proposals for the upgrade initiative.
    The document outlines the procedural requirements for acknowledging amendments or modifications related to United States government contracts and solicitations. It highlights the necessity for contractors to confirm receipt of amendments by the specified deadline through various methods, including completing designated items or sending a separate communication. Additionally, it states that failure to acknowledge the amendment may result in rejection of the offer. The document also details instructions for filling out specific items concerning contract identification, effective dates, amendment numbers, and any financial impacts resulting from modifications. Contractors are instructed to organize amendments under the Uniform Contract Format (UCF) guidelines and provide a clear description of the modification's nature, including total price changes or shifts in accounting classifications. This comprehensive structure assists in maintaining clarity and regulatory compliance throughout the contracting process, serving as a vital reference for federal, state, and local procurement activities.
    This government document outlines the procedures for acknowledging an amendment to a solicitation related to contract offers. It emphasizes that all offers must acknowledge receipt of the amendment before the specified deadline, either by return forms or through written/electronic means referencing the solicitation and amendment numbers. The likelihood of an offer being rejected increases if the acknowledgment is late. The document provides a list of necessary details, including contract IDs, effective dates, and the modification's description. It also specifies that the contractor is not required to sign the amendment document but must provide the required acknowledgments. Additionally, the amendment includes important documentation such as RFI responses, structural drawings, and mechanical plans. The crucial focus of this file is on the administrative aspects of managing amendments in the solicitation process, ensuring compliance and proper modifications handling as part of the broader context of federal RFPs and grants management.
    This document outlines essential procedures and requirements regarding the acknowledgment of amendments to solicitations and modifications to contracts within federal grant and RFP processes. It emphasizes the necessity for contractors to acknowledge receipt of amendments by specific methods before the stated deadline, ensuring that proposals are not rejected due to lack of acknowledgment. The document specifies that changes to existing offers can be made through letters or electronic communications, provided they reference the relevant solicitation and amendment numbers. Key sections include instructions on how to complete different items, such as the contract ID, amendment number, effective date, and necessary information about issuing offices and contractors. The document also clarifies that while a contractor’s signature is not mandatory for solicitation amendments, it may be required for supplemental agreements. Further, it depicts the structure for organizing amendments or modifications according to the Uniform Contract Format (UCF), with specific guidelines for indicating the impact of modifications on contract pricing and terms. This document is crucial for maintaining clarity and compliance in the administration of government contracts and solicitations.
    This document serves as an amendment to a solicitation, indicating the procedures and requirements that bidders must follow regarding acknowledgment and submission of offers. It specifies that offers must recognize receipt of this amendment using specific methods before the deadline, or risk rejection of their proposals. The document outlines the structure of the amendment, including sections for contract identification, effective dates, and the necessary documentation to be included with proposals, such as experience summaries and pricing sheets. The contractor's and contracting officer's signatures are highlighted as necessary for certain modifications, with guidance on when they are required. The purpose of this amendment is to clarify submission requirements and process adjustments for enhanced compliance with federal contracting standards. Overall, the document emphasizes the importance of adherence to specified deadlines and the completeness of proposals in the federal contracting process.
    This document is an amendment to a federal solicitation, outlining critical procedures for offer submission and acknowledgment. It mandates that offers must acknowledge the receipt of the amendment through specified methods by a designated deadline to avoid rejection. It clarifies that the acknowledgment does not require the contractor's signature, and changes to submitted offers can be made up until the specified opening time, following proper reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. The document includes essential administrative information such as the contract ID, amendment number, effective date, and contracting officer details. It specifies the impact of modifications on the contract terms while stating that all previous terms and conditions remain in effect unless modified by this amendment. Notably, the due date for submitting the Request for Information (RFI) has been extended to August 16, 2024, at 4:30 PM EST, emphasizing the flexibility in the solicitation process. The amendment reflects typical practices for managing government contracts, ensuring clarity and compliance in the procurement process while allowing potential bidders an opportunity to adjust their submissions appropriately. This document exemplifies systematic government protocols for modifying contracts and responding to amendments within the context of federal and local RFPs.
    The document serves as an amendment to a solicitation for the NYFO Chilled Water Plant project (Contract ID: 47PC0324R0008). It specifies that acknowledgments of the amendment must be received prior to the designated deadline, with failure potentially leading to offer rejection. The solicitation due date is extended to September 6, 2024, at 4:30 PM EST, and a second walkthrough is scheduled for August 14, 2024, at 9:00 AM, at 26 Federal Plaza, New York. Participants must check in early for security protocols, which include turning in electronic devices. Those attending must submit personal information to FBI authorities in advance, under specific communication guidelines to ensure security compliance. The document outlines necessary actions for contractors regarding the acknowledgment of the amendment and attendance at the walkthrough, maintaining all existing terms and conditions of the solicitation. This amendment reflects standard processes in federal contracting to ensure transparency, compliance, and security during project initiation and participation.
    This document outlines various construction projects aimed at demonstrating specific experience and capabilities in large-scale construction tasks. It details three projects, focusing on criteria including mechanical equipment replacement, phased construction in occupied buildings, and experience with federal government contracts. An illustrative example is the Tower Office Building in Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, which had a contract amount of $15,000,000 and substantial completion on December 1, 2019. All criteria were marked as "Yes," confirming proficiency in significant construction projects, particularly those over $5 million and in compliance with federal standards. The document serves to highlight qualified candidates for future federal and state/local Requests for Proposals (RFPs) in construction-related work, underscoring their experience and successful project execution.
    This government file outlines the essential components required for submission in response to federal and state/local Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and grants. Key elements include project identification, location details, and timeline, stating both start and substantial completion dates alongside the total contract amount. Offerors must specify their company name, role within the project (such as Prime General Contractor, Subcontractor, etc.), and provide relevant project owner information, including agency name and contact details. A critical part of the file emphasizes a detailed project description, including the size of the project in gross square feet, photographic evidence, and a narrative of the work performed. This narrative should clarify the scope of work by detailing major disciplines and trades involved, identifying work subcontracted and performed by others. The document stresses the importance of a succinct but comprehensive overview, limited to three pages, ensuring that submissions focus on critical accomplishments and compliance with project requirements. This structured approach assists in evaluating proposals while guaranteeing transparency and accountability in government-funded projects.
    The PBS Past Performance Questionnaire serves as a template for contractors and offerors to furnish critical information regarding their past contract performance. It encompasses several sections beginning with contractor identification details like the firm name, address, and contact information. The form requires contractors to specify their role in the project (e.g., prime contractor or subcontractor) and the associated details of the contract such as type, title, location, and timelines. Acknowledging the importance of project relevance, it prompts respondents to describe how the past work relates to the proposed project, addressing both complexity and scope of work. The questionnaire emphasizes comparative analysis by requesting original and final contract prices, along with explanations for any discrepancies. By gathering this structured data, the questionnaire aims to ensure that the contractor’s capabilities and experience align with the requirements of federal RFPs and grants, ultimately aiding in the assessment of potential contractors' qualifications and reliability for future projects.
    The document outlines the Subcontracting Methodology Form required for federal contracts, mandating both large and small business offerors to submit proposed subcontracting goals. If awarded to a large business, an acceptable subcontracting plan with goals matching or exceeding those proposed is also required. Offerors must indicate whether they are a small business and how much work will be performed with their own workforce. The form requires the total amount and percentages for various categories of subcontracting, including small disadvantaged, women-owned, HUBZone, veteran-owned, and service-disabled veteran-owned businesses. Additionally, offerors must identify specific small business partners and describe their outreach strategies to meet or surpass subcontracting goals in a two-page document. They must also illustrate how they intend to maximize competition and select the best value subcontractors. This framework aims to foster inclusive economic participation by small businesses in federal contracting, ensuring equitable opportunities and compliance with government regulations while promoting competition and value in the procurement process.
    This document serves as an amendment to a government solicitation, specifying instructions for acknowledging amendments, modifying offers, and changes to contract terms. It emphasizes the importance of submitting acknowledgment before the specified deadline to avoid rejection of offers. The amendment notably extends the period of performance (PoP) for a contract, increasing it from 365 to 540 calendar days for both base services and an option related to emergency generators. All other contract dates remain unchanged. The document outlines the structured format for modifications, providing guidelines on effective dates, contractor details, and specific items that require attention, such as the impact of modifications on accounting data. Overall, the amendment aims to enhance clarity and allow for an extended timeline for the contractor to fulfill the contract requirements while retaining other contractual conditions.
    This document is an amendment related to a government solicitation, specifically extending the proposal submission deadline from September 6, 2024, at 4:30 PM EST to September 12, 2024, at the same time. It outlines the requirements for submitting acknowledgment of receipt for the amendment, including options for submission via return of specified items or electronic communication. Additionally, it clarifies that contractors are not required to sign and return copies of the amendment. The document includes essential details such as contract and amendment numbers, effective dates, and specific requirements for acknowledging changes to existing offers. Furthermore, it delineates periods of performance for various project phases, including substantial completion timelines for different service options related to a water plant upgrade. Overall, it maintains consistency with previously established terms, emphasizing due process in handling proposals and modifications.
    The document outlines an amendment to a federal solicitation, specifying requirements for acknowledgment by contractors regarding a change in the receipt deadline for offers. Contractors must confirm receipt of the amendment through designated methods before the specified time, as failure to do so may lead to offer rejection. An important aspect of this amendment is the announcement of an extended walk-through for prospective bidders scheduled for August 27, 2024, at 9:00 AM EST at 26 Federal Plaza. This event will allow bidders to inspect key areas related to the project, specifically the generator room, mechanical room, and roof. Instructions are provided for submitting changes to any previously submitted offers due to this amendment. The amendment emphasizes that the contracting officer's signature is not mandatory on solicitation amendments, ensuring clarity for contractors involved. Overall, this document serves to inform contractors of procedural changes and ensure compliance with the updated solicitation timeline while facilitating a clearer understanding of bid requirements and project scope.
    The document serves as an amendment to a federal solicitation, specifically Amendment 0011, changing the due date for offers from September 12, 2024, to September 17, 2024. It outlines the proper methods for acknowledging receipt of this amendment, the consequences of failing to do so, and instructions for contractors interested in altering previously submitted offers. It includes critical attachments such as updated drawings and specifications that bidders must utilize, highlighting a past performance questionnaire that has been revised. The period of performance for contract execution is defined, detailing various phases, start dates post-Notice to Proceed (NTP), and deadlines for substantial completion and overall contract completion. The document emphasizes that all original terms remain unchanged unless specified in this amendment, thus maintaining its legal integrity while facilitating necessary updates for contractors participating in the bidding process. Overall, this amendment is part of a structured effort to ensure clarity and compliance within government contracting procedures.
    The document outlines the Past Performance Questionnaire (PPQ) for contractors applying for federal projects under the Public Building Service (PBS) guidelines. It requires contractors to provide detailed information about their previous contracts, including contractor information, project description, work complexity, and financial details. Clients are instructed to evaluate contractor performance based on specific categories: quality, schedule/timeliness, customer satisfaction, management, cost/financial management, safety/security, and sustainability. Ratings range from "Exceptional" to "Unsatisfactory," allowing clients to provide qualitative assessments of contractors’ capabilities. The completed questionnaires can be submitted directly to the PBS or the contractor, ensuring a thorough evaluation of past performance prior to awarding future contracts. This process is part of the Federal government's effort to ensure accountability and high standards in procurement while facilitating informed decision-making in awarding contracts.
    The document serves as a form designed for contractors seeking to participate in government contracts, outlining vital financial and organizational qualifications necessary for evaluation. It collects comprehensive general information about the entity, including its type, taxpayer ID, date of establishment, inventory method, and relevant ownership details. Additionally, it assesses the entity's financial health, requiring disclosures regarding debts, liabilities, and government financial aid or claims. Key sections include financial statement submissions, an income statement, and details about banking relationships, essential for understanding the contractor's fiscal responsibility. The last sections pertain to current contracts involving public services and declare any subcontracting issues or surety bond applications. This form emphasizes the federal government's need for transparency and accountability from contractors before initiating any partnerships, ensuring that contractors meet necessary financial and ethical standards aligned with federal requirements.
    The document pertains to specifications for a Current Limiting Interrupter manufactured by Westinghouse Electric Corporation, identified by the serial number 80 46Y2258. Key features include a frame size of 1600 and a rated voltage of 600 A.C. The interrupter has a limiter rating of 1200 Amps, indicating its capacity in electrical systems. The item is made in the USA, signifying domestic production. This document is likely related to federal or state requests for proposals (RFPs), focusing on procurement specifications for electrical components necessary for infrastructure projects or upgrades. The details provided are crucial for ensuring compliance with technical standards and operational requirements in government contracts.
    The document pertains to a warning from SWITCH ATLAS CQ, INC. regarding the potential dangers associated with their products, specifically focusing on arc flash and shock hazards. It underscores the importance of adhering to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidelines and using appropriate protective equipment to mitigate risks. The mention of "normal power" and an emergency contact for WEL POWER SYSTEMS, INC. suggests this is related to power system installations or maintenance, likely within the context of federal or state projects. The document serves as a safety advisory for contractors and personnel involved with such systems, emphasizing compliance with safety standards to prevent accidents in operational settings. Overall, it highlights the critical need for vigilance regarding electrical safety in government-related installations and projects.
    The document outlines a project proposal for the modernization of switchboards and circuit breakers by Expert Electric, Inc., a licensed electrical contracting company based in Astoria, NY. The project, commissioned by the General Services Administration (GSA), was set to commence in 1994 and conclude in March 1996. It includes technical specifications related to voltages, amps, and equipment used in the installation and operation of power measurement and monitoring systems. Central features of the modernization include the utilization of generators, circuit breakers from various manufacturers, and data on emergency power systems and battery charger specifications. The project aims to improve electrical reliability and safety through upgraded equipment designed to handle increased electrical loads while complying with current electrical codes. Given the context of federal and local requests for proposals (RFPs) and grants, the document serves to demonstrate Expert Electric's qualifications and proposed technical solutions to meet the GSA's modernization needs. It emphasizes the importance of adherence to safety standards and efficiency in electrical infrastructure management, thereby reflecting the government’s commitment to upgrading public facilities and ensuring efficient use of taxpayer dollars in governmental projects.
    The document provides specifications and safety warnings related to the Spectra RMS™ Current Limiting Circuit Breaker (Cat. NO. SGPA36AT0600), which is designed for electrical installations with a maximum of 600 Amps and 600 VAC. It emphasizes the importance of following NFPA 70E safety practices to prevent electrical hazards, including arc flash and shock risks. Key technical details include wire range for lugs, torque specifications, and interrupting ratings for different voltage levels. The document also includes information about conforming to UL standards and IEC specifications, ensuring compliance with safety and performance requirements. These elements highlight the circuit breaker's applicability in both federal and local government projects that necessitate strict adherence to electrical safety regulations. Overall, the document serves as a critical reference for contractors and engineers involved in electrical infrastructure projects within the scope of government RFPs and grants.
    The NYFO Chilled Water Plant Upgrade proposal outlines the offer for upgrading the chilled water plant and associated hazardous materials removal under the General Services Administration (GSA) in Region 2. The proposal includes a Base Scope Offer and Option Pricing, with specific costs related to the CHW Plant Upgrade and hazardous materials work. The Base Scope comprises the total costs for the upgrade, while optional components, such as an emergency generator and enhancements to specific building areas, are also priced separately. The total evaluated offer merges both the Base Scope Price and the subtotal of the optional pricing. The GSA reserves the right to incorporate any options during the contract duration based on the submitted prices. Additionally, bidders must provide offers valid for 120 calendar days for government acceptance. The document concludes with instructions for bid submission, including necessary signatures and corporate seals. This proposal reflects the GSA's methodical approach to contract bidding in public sector construction projects, emphasizing clarity in pricing and contractual obligations.
    The document is a Bid Bond Form (Standard Form 24), which is required when a bid guarantee is necessary for federal contracts, particularly in construction, supplies, or services. The form mandates the inclusion of vital information such as the Principal's legal name and business address, sureties' details, bid identification, and penal sum amounts. The surety applications ensure binding agreements that protect the government against losses due to a principal's failure to enter into a contract after a bid acceptance. Key components include obligations of the Principal and sureties, conditions under which the bond becomes void, how time extensions impact surety obligations, and requirements for executing the bond, such as corporate seals and authorized signatures. The document emphasizes compliance with the Department of the Treasury's approved sureties list and specifies necessary documentation for individual sureties. The guidelines also clarify how each party's liabilities are structured when multiple sureties are involved. Overall, the Bid Bond Form facilitates risk mitigation in government procurement processes, particularly in relation to bid submissions for contracts, ensuring adherence to requirements and proper execution of obligations following bid acceptance.
    The document outlines the General Wage Determination for construction projects in New York State, specifically for contracts encompassing building, residential, heavy, and highway construction. It supersedes the previous wage determination and details the applicable wage rates for various construction classifications, along with the stipulations under the Davis-Bacon Act, which mandates minimum wage rates for covered contracts. Contracts entered into or renewed on or after January 30, 2022, should adhere to Executive Order 14026, requiring a minimum wage of $17.20 per hour for covered workers. Additionally, it specifies rates for various labor roles such as electricians, carpenters, plumbers, and laborers, with respective wage and fringe benefit rates outlined. The document lays out procedures for appeals regarding wage determinations and emphasizes the inclusion of additional classifications as needed for work not specified in existing classifications. Overall, it serves as an essential reference for compliance with federal labor standards for contractors involved in government-funded construction projects, embodying the commitment to fair wages and workers’ rights in federal contracts.
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