Solicitation DEPT OF DEFENSE DEPT OF THE NAVY is seeking a VALVE,REGULATING,SY. This item is typically used for regulating the flow of fluids in various systems. The procurement notice includes contact information, inspection requirements, and delivery instructions. The contractor is expected to provide repair services with a specific Repair Turnaround Time (RTAT) of 587 days. The government requires Government Source Inspection (GSI) and all pricing should be firm. The contractor's capacity constraints should be provided if they cannot meet the required RTAT. The notice also mentions the possibility of a price reduction for late delivery and the importance of meeting the required RTAT. The contract/purchase order contains requirements for repair and quality assurance. Packaging and marking should be in accordance with MIL-STD 2073. The notice includes information on ordering documents and the distribution statement codes for non-classified documents and drawings.