Sources Sought Notice: VETERANS AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF is seeking Pharmacy Environmental Monitoring Certification services for the VISN 8 Sunshine Healthcare Network pharmacies. This includes personnel certification testing, gloved fingertip and thumb testing, media fill testing, facility compounding area surface monitoring, and air viable and non-viable testing in accordance with USP <797>, USP <800>, CETA, and FDA guidelines. The vendor must comply with the most updated versions of these standards and conduct all sampling and testing accordingly. Certification of classified areas, gowning and garbing evaluation, gloved fingertip and thumb sampling, media-fill testing, compounding area certification, primary engineering control (PEC) certification, differential pressure certification, viable air sampling, viable surface monitoring, and environmental wipe sampling for hazardous drug (HD) surface residue are among the specific requirements. Vendors must submit a Capability Statement and provide company information, organization size/ownership, DUNS#, and identification of GSA Schedules/Federal Supply Schedules. Responses must be submitted by 3pm on 9 May 2024.